Looking for Questmod, Item Mod to implement +3 Axe into BGEE or SoD

Quick question guys. Is there an Item Mod or Quest Mod out there which puts an +3 Axe somewhere in the Game. Main Reason is to have an Axe to be able to hit Belhifet with. Could be also just a Vanilla +3 Axe. Doesn't have to be fancy.
The Battle Axe +3 is equipped to Caelar's Lieutenant, a dwarf fighter that appears in the cutscenes just before you enter Avernus. And which is deleted in the same cutscenes, so you never have control while he's around. You would need to do something seriously cheesy (described in that wiki entry) in order to have a chance at picking it up.
Hmm. How about diversifying the "Void" weapons Jegg Hillcarver can make? Currently it's just a hammer, a long sword, 80 arrows, or 80 bullets. That would be a fairly clean way to get more variety in +3 weapons into the campaign without significantly changing the balance. After all, you can only have one weapon made out of the voidstone shards.
I thought a good place to put a good +3 Axe in the Game would be the Dwarf Dungeon in SoD maybe or Durlags Tower cause it makes thematically sense.
In BG2 we have Frostweaver available, Stonefire and if Choosen of Cyric installed from RR an Axe with Electricity Damage. In my game there is a +2 Poison Axe so i thought maybe an Axe with Magic Damage or Acid Damage would be nice.
I still to this day wish there would be "Water Damage" implemented into the Game with a nice Damage Animation. I mean there are Water Elementals in the game....
Or a Weapon which has a chance (maybe 10% or 5%) or on a crit to proc "Smashing Wave" (the IWD Priest Spell).