question about Dispel Magic

Hello dear people,
please help me check if i understand dispel magic mechanics correctly.
if we take these three characters with the SAME amount of experience points: bard, mage and paladin
will bard's buffs be most resistant to dispel?
and will paladin's buffs be easiest to dispell?
sorry for my english please
please help me check if i understand dispel magic mechanics correctly.
if we take these three characters with the SAME amount of experience points: bard, mage and paladin
will bard's buffs be most resistant to dispel?
and will paladin's buffs be easiest to dispell?
sorry for my english please

So, some examples:
A bard with 6 million XP (level 37) casts Stoneskin. That's caster level 37.
A paladin with 6 million XP (level 28) casts their innate Protection From Evil. That's caster level 28.
A mage with 6 million XP (level 26) casts Protection from Magic Weapons. That's caster level 26.
A paladin with 6 million XP (level 28) casts Bless. That's caster level 20, because paladins have a priest caster level that's 8 lower than their class level.
Now, suppose a level 25 enemy is trying to dispel these. Against that level 37 Stoneskin, it's a -12 level disadvantage. The chance of success drops to the minimum possible value - 5%, I think. Against that level 28 Protection from Evil, it's a -3 level disadvantage. I think that translates to a 20% chance of success. Dispelling the level 26 Protection from Magic Weapons is a -1 disadvantage, which becomes a 40% chance. And dispelling the level 20 Bless is a +5 advantage, which is a 75% chance. (I'm not certain on any of the actual numbers for dispel chances, but the order is clear)
so my guesses were correct.
if i want buffs to be as "dispel-proof" as possible, they should be cast by bard and single-class cleric.