I’m playing a druid, what happens with the Tears of Bhaal (spoilers)?

I’ve completed this game with both good and evil endings, but I’m wondering what will happen when I take my true neutral druid (actually berserker > druid, but same difference) and choose any of the evil Tears.
I know I’ll become Neutral Evil in alignment, but I also know this would cause a paladin or ranger character to fall. But what happens to the druid, a character who is required to stay true neutral? Will I lose any abilities? I don’t really care about what my alignment says, I think the best way to RP true neutral is to possibly choose a few evil options, but I’m wondering how the game will see it and if I’ll lose any druid abilities.
I know I’ll become Neutral Evil in alignment, but I also know this would cause a paladin or ranger character to fall. But what happens to the druid, a character who is required to stay true neutral? Will I lose any abilities? I don’t really care about what my alignment says, I think the best way to RP true neutral is to possibly choose a few evil options, but I’m wondering how the game will see it and if I’ll lose any druid abilities.
There aren't even any "unusable by evil" items that a druid could conceivably use. The only consequences you'll face for evil choices are the direct ones - different tear rewards, alignment change.