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Auto Pause Options vs Turn Based?

JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
Good day! I've quite thoroughly enjoyed all of the titles that were created with the Infinity and Aurora engines. I've also been a player that fully uses just about every auto pausing option that exists for all of these titles. I purchased Baldur's Gate 3 in early access as soon as it became available on Steam. I also have DoS and DoS2 in my Steam library, but I'm really unfamiliar with how turn based RPGs normally work.

All of the more recent titles that Larian has created seem to have several things happening in real time that the player has no real way of pausing. I'm not just referring to cosmetic or irrelevant things here, but actual things that can effect the player, party members, and/or their environment. NPCs continue to do their own thing, outside of a very limited range. Beneficial spells, detrimental damage-over-time effects, and environmental effects all continue. And quite a few other things continue to happen that the player has no real way of pausing. Also, for these titles, the mod communities have found it impossible to create ways of properly pausing any of events. I've had to use an external program that hacks any of these titles just to get any of them to fully pause. Is this how turn based RPGs typically work?

I have several other titles that I haven't explored yet, but I'm really wanting to give DoS, DoS2, and Baldur's Gate 3 a real attempt. The external hack seems to work for my pausing purposes, but I'm wondering if there might be other options that I might have overlooked that might make playing these supposedly turn based titles remotely similar to how auto pausing works here with Beamdog titles?
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