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Hex Editing Question for Mobile

Hey guys so basically after a bit of learning and practice i can safely say i can do LOTS of things with hex editing that spices things up and helps with the game, except one damn thing... And that is dualinf into kits
You see im able to turn my imoen into a Necromancer/Thief (for example) but it doesnt actually work in a way because im unable to see if she gets the -2 penalty to enemy saves against necro AND she doesnt actually get extra spellslots.
I havent tried yet but if i tried to dual a thief into a cleric of talos it probaly wouldnt get its kits special abilities.
I looked around the intenet and basically no info whatsoever.
If anyone knows how to do this it would help me alot :)


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Some kit abilities are coded in ways that interact poorly with that kit being second in a dual. For example, the bonus spell/level for mage specialists is actually a bonus spell/level for mages with any kit other than "generalist", but other -> mage duals don't get it. Mage specialists in general are hardcoded in a lot of inconvenient ways; I suspect the save penalty works here, but I have no way to confirm that without actually testing it.

    A Thief -> Priest of Talos kit would work just fine, though. All of the abilities for the PoT come from that kit's ability table, and that system just works.
    There are mods that change the rules to allow dual-classing into kits; Tweaks Anthology has a component for that, for example. You can also hack it by editing the save; the cleanest way to do it is to change the character's kit before you hit the dual-class button.
  • KaynKayn Member Posts: 5
    Hmm im not sure its possible to do in hex what you said if i understood correctly:
    I cant change the classes that show up once you prees the dual button (Mage,Thief,Cleric,Fighter) into thier kits (so thay are shown as kits) i can only change an already dualed char into an illegal dual.
    But if there is a way and im doing it wrong then i dont know.
    Ty for the quick reply @jmarry

    Onca i wake up tomorrow ill try and do a more experiments, like the cleric stuff you said.
    Gonna try and do stuff like Necro/Cleric too (didnt try illegal multiclassing either once i got Viconia to be a F/C i assumed it would be easy)
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    You can edit a save to change a character's kit to anything regardless of what base class that kit goes to. It just won't show up on the in-game screens unless you have a compatible class. Equipment restrictions for the kit will apply even if you don't have the matching class, while the ability table won't be used; a character with a kit that doesn't match their class uses the default ability table for that class.

    So, for example, suppose you want to make a Fighter -> Assassin. You level up for a while as a fighter, then you make a save and edit it. Change the kit from "Base Class"/"Generalist" to "Assassin". Now go back to playing. Your character shows up as a "Fighter"; no obvious change yet. Hit the dual-class button and choose "Thief". Now you're a Fighter -> Thief with the Assassin kit, which includes getting that Poison Weapon ability at level 1 without needing to edit that in too.

    A necromancer/cleric multiclass should work just fine; after all, the system already has support for multiclass mage specialists because of gnomes. I don't think your number of available spell slots will update until you level up (unless you manually change it when editing the save), but that's all.
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