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Mac Mouse Scroll Wheel Setting

Hello, all.

I have been replaying through BGEE, mostly playing on my PC, but I've also been occasionally playing on my Mac.

The only problem I have on the Mac is that the Scroll Wheel on my Mouse essentially imitates the Up and Down Arrow Keys instead of Zooming In/Out.

On the PC, the Mouse Wheel does Zoom In/Out, which is precisely what I expect and want it to do.

I have searched online for other people asking this question, and while I found a few Reddit threads, no one ever gave a "solution" to making the Mouse Scroll Wheel operate the same on Mac as PC (again, to Zoom In/Out).

Can anyone provide assistance so that I can easily Zoom In and Out on Mac using the Mouse Scroll Wheel, like on PC?

Thank you!

P.S. I do like that the saves are organized better on Mac, with Quick Saves being at the top of the list, as opposed to on PC, where I have to scroll down to some random place to find them... :)


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    Huh. Here's what I've experienced on my Mac.

    The mouse scroll wheel for me is context-sensitive. If the cursor is pointed at the main screen, the wheel zooms in and out. If the cursor is pointed at the log window, the wheel scrolls up and down that log.

    No idea about how one would change that, though there are some lines in baldur.lua relating to zoom behavior...
  • FakeKisserFakeKisser Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for your comment. Even though it doesn't resolve my issue, that is helpful info.

    It is strange that I'm seeing something different. I wonder if there is something about my setup that is making BGEE think that I always want to scroll.

    I have a M2 Macbook Air, I use Logitech mice (though I have tried a few different mice) through a USB hub, and external monitors.
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