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Need help on Black Pits 2 Fallen Deva fight.

These 6 Fallen Devas are HARD. I think what kills me the most is their Harm spells. I’m not sure if it’s something they cast or something that’s imbued with their normal hits but man. They bring my guys down to 1 HP and I’m out. For reference, here’s my party. We’ve all got HLA’s.

Human Inquisitor. Longswords, axes, 2h swords, bastard swords, katanas, two weapon fighting.

Human Berserker. 2h swords, halberds, two handed style.

Half elf fighter/cleric. Maces, flails/morning stars, warhammers, two weapon style.

Half elf fighter/Druid. Clubs, spears, scimitars, two weapon style.

Elf archer. Longbows, Shortbows.

Elf mage. Darts, slings.

We’ve for sure got Devas, Elementals, and Planetars of our own. The warriors all have the greater whirlwind, hardiness, magic Resistance, and critical strike HLA’s. Got a few others too like dragon breath and comet and spell slots since I wasn’t sure what to spend points on.

Usually I start with a deva summon, then put up magic resistance HLAs on everybody. Then my mage will step to the side avoiding combat while casting Stoneskin and mirror image. I follow up with chain contingency with 3 horrid wiltings, once more, and then whatever else my mage can cast. My warriors and archer all focus fire. My inquisitor gets rid of mirror images. But somewhere in there, someone always gets affected by Harm and I have no plan on how to deal with it besides wait for the Deva to heal them. What can I do?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Harm would be something they cast. The enemy's weapons here:
    - Astral Deva, Ariziel: 3d6+3 base damage, +3 to hit, +5 enchantment, 50% chance to stun for three rounds unless the target saves vs spell, kills undead with no save.
    - Monadic Deva: 2d8+3 base damage, +3 to hit, +4 enchantment, additional +7 damage vs golems and slay them unless they save vs death.

    As for casting Harm, they each get one instance of either Heal or Harm. Force-cast, so no interrupting them. If you hurt them badly enough that they use that on healing, you won't have to worry about the Harm.
  • ZeroxSP7ZeroxSP7 Member Posts: 55
    So basically you just have to outdamage them.
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