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Persistent worlds on EE, why is everyone on the same worlds?

First Post here but long time player of NWN since its original release, I'm a bit confused as to why everyone piles onto Aerlith etc. Is it and endless cycle of its full so must be good?

Aside from dabbling in other persistent worlds to compare I have pretty much exclusively played the same one on and off for 20 years.

I'm in no way affiliated with the server but IMHO it absolutely annihilates every pw I've ever dabbled in.

In its pure size and lore, custom content models, graphics, crafting, reincarnation systems, community, external resources, maps, raid areas, website etc etc. Regular updates etc etc. 20 years worth and a multitude of scripters and Modders over that time who have contributes to it.

Everyone who joins always comments about how amazing the world is and how under the radar the server was and they couldn't believe they didn't know it existed.

I mean we get the odd drip of a few new players a month but compared to the other big 'old' servers I think it gets overlooked.

I am sure this happens with other PW too!

The admin on the server I play aren't very big on advertising it and recently with the release of BG3 and diablo its feeling a bit empty :( which is a crying shame.

Anyhow enough waffling guess my question is, is there somewhere they should be advertising the server on here?

Don't know if it's allowed here, but I'm sure it will be deleted if it isn't


The server is

Lands of Arda

A middle earth Lord of the rings one, 20 years in the making that spans mithlond through to the deep south with over 300 maps and I'd say 100+ massive dungeons. Hack and slash party and solo play. It's kept me occupied on and off most of my adult life. It's not a Role play server, but the middle earth lore is esquisitly done, very few restrictions on it (crit dev is removed that's it).

Website is here

Also a few screenshot on steam etc

Anyhow if anyone fancies popping in for a look its a friendly old place and should satisfy any Lord of the rings fan!

There are around 30 players on and off that play it. Last few weeks though it's been only 4 or 5 on at once and noone off peak.

If I wasn't supposed to "advertise"/mention the persistent worlds here my appologies and could someone point me in the direction of where I should.

Many thanks


  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 216
    I believe the reason why so many people are on those few servers is entirely because of how the mobile version of the game is configured. I believe (from what others have said) that the first few servers are the ones provided for "quick start" online by default, and if you want other servers on mobile then you have to configure them yourself somehow.
    Personally, I'm playing on Kharlindale Realms these days.
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