First time player. Should I join the Godsmen or the Sensates?

First time player. Should I join the Godsmen or the Sensates?
I didn’t wanna join any of the other factions because their beliefs don’t really match up with mine. I do believe that there’s order in things or that life needs SOME sort of order to make progress. I also didn’t like the idea of the Dustmen having the right to corpses after death. And the Chaosmen were violent.
The ideas of the Godsmen and Sensates are the only two I would consider joining. Honestly my belief is that I’d just want peace after death. To not be disturbed. To rest in peace. But I’m not exactly sure their beliefs align with that or anyone’s for a matter of fact. If anything, I like the Godsmen for thinking that anyone can reach godhood, but power like that in the wrong hands could be bad. I like the Sensates though because gathering experiences in life is nice and it could provide knowledge. I don’t see any harm in the philosophy of the Sensates.
Also I heard the Godsmen have good weapons and the Sensates unlock memories. Just wanna add I’m playing a melee character. But I guess there’s not really any other way to play TNO is there?
I didn’t wanna join any of the other factions because their beliefs don’t really match up with mine. I do believe that there’s order in things or that life needs SOME sort of order to make progress. I also didn’t like the idea of the Dustmen having the right to corpses after death. And the Chaosmen were violent.
The ideas of the Godsmen and Sensates are the only two I would consider joining. Honestly my belief is that I’d just want peace after death. To not be disturbed. To rest in peace. But I’m not exactly sure their beliefs align with that or anyone’s for a matter of fact. If anything, I like the Godsmen for thinking that anyone can reach godhood, but power like that in the wrong hands could be bad. I like the Sensates though because gathering experiences in life is nice and it could provide knowledge. I don’t see any harm in the philosophy of the Sensates.
Also I heard the Godsmen have good weapons and the Sensates unlock memories. Just wanna add I’m playing a melee character. But I guess there’s not really any other way to play TNO is there?
You don't have to be a member of the Sensates to get access to their store and their private rooms. There is another way to get these privileges. Just walk around and talk to everyone as you should always do in this game. As a Sensate you will gain an ability which is somewhat useful.
To gain access to the Godsmen store you have to be a member. They do have some good items to sell as far as I remember (playing a mage, I was mostly intested in one particular dagger and spell scrolls, never really looked what other weapons they have).
There are many ways to play TNO, you can be a sneakthief or mage. Or a mage with good fighting skills (weapon profiencies carry over when changing class, if it is a weapon that can be used by that class, a mage with 5 points in dagger can hit things). There are a lot of different ways to build your character. Mage may be most fun, as you can gain some totally OP awesome spells with fancy animations. You gain most from dialogs anyway.