Want to do some different four man party

I apologize for posting so many ideal party threads, but i am not sure which to play.
I want to play either a blade or a F/M/T or a sorcerer.
I really need some person who can steal.
I also REALLY want a romance option which is fun.
It doesnt have to be the strongest party in the world, but it should be fun and challenging to play.
Bonus if Mazzy is in it (I love Mazzy)
I apologize for posting so many ideal party threads, but i am not sure which to play.
I want to play either a blade or a F/M/T or a sorcerer.
I really need some person who can steal.
I also REALLY want a romance option which is fun.
It doesnt have to be the strongest party in the world, but it should be fun and challenging to play.
Bonus if Mazzy is in it (I love Mazzy)
Some parties require advance planning, but that's tied to some specific objective. For example, when I built my fire-themed party, I made detailed plans for how they would achieve fire immunity, and what that meant for party selection. There isn't enough fire resistance gear to make everyone immune with just generally available equipment, after all; I need specific NPC gear and class/kit abilities to make up the gap.
You don't seem to have any specific goal for your party other than "effective", and that's just too broad to work with.
I really need some person who can steal.
I also REALLY want a romance option which is fun.
It doesnt have to be the strongest party in the world, but it should be fun and challenging to play.
Bonus if Mazzy is in it (I love Mazzy)
Sorry but these are my fundamentals
Blade Charname
Nalia Mage
Anomen (which weapons should I specialice him)?
Mazzy as archer (which weapons should I specialize her into later)?
Mazzy: Pick a melee weapon nobody else has dibs on, and dump your proficiencies into it. Anything works, and this choice is only constrained by the plans of your other party members - so, for this party, anything but Anomen's specialty.
Why is she better than Nalia?
How can I make her casting reliable?
Wild mages also gain access to a few unique spells. The two "chaos shield" spells offer bonuses to wild surge rolls, while the level 1 "Nahal's Reckless Dweomer" lets you choose anything in your spellbook and attempt to cast it ... at the cost of that spell automatically becoming a wild surge.
And finally, spells that a wild mage casts get their casting level randomly modified. Cast a Magic Missile at wild mage level 5, and you might get a casting level 1 MM for one missile or a casting level 9 MM for five missiles.
You can't. The best you can do is stack surge roll bonuses and reduce the risk of losing spells to wild surges by increasing the chance that you overflow off the top of the table into "spell cast normally" results. You can't ever stack enough bonus to completely eliminate the risk, though.
As for the casting level changes, you can't directly mitigate that. However, it can only go so far (up or down at most 5), and spell effects are capped at casting level 20. Get to epic levels, and the changed casting levels won't make any difference.
LoL 😹 The whole point of wild mage gameplay is to get funny uncontrollable effects. You can accidentally change you sex, lose almost all your money (or, inversely, get tons of gems) or summon a mighty demon from Nine Hells. 🤣