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Sorcerers using joint spells of 2 Opposite Schools

YigorYigor Member Posts: 620
Well, that's a method to choose Sorcerer's spells by dividing them into 4 categories by couples of opposite schools: Abjurer/Transmuter, Conjurer/Diviner, Enchanter/Invoker and Illusionist/Necromancer. 🧙‍♂️

I started with a quick test of Illusionist/Necromancer in Black Pits 1. At level 11 he can use the following spells:

Level 1: Blindness, Chill Touch, Larloch's Minor Drain, Reflected Image, Spook.
Level 2: Blur, Deafness, Ghoul Touch, Horror, Mirror Image (Invisibility not chosen).
Level 3: Hold Undead, Invisibility 10' Radius, Skull Trap, Vampire Touch.
Level 4: Contagion, Improved Invisibility, Spirit Armor.
Level 5: Animate Dead, Shadow Door.

It seems to be quite balanced between attacking and defensive spells. I had no major problems with a solo Illusionist/Necromancer on normal difficulty. 😎


  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 620
    What would be the strongest combo of 2 schools (not necessarily opposite) in your opinion? 🤔
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,537
    I have played a lot of Transmutation + Evocation throughout the years. It gives overall good protection in shield, stoneskin and fireshields. You have some nasty disabler spells such as slow, disintegration or flesh to stone, and polymorph other. There are options to go into melee as well with the weapon spells, tensers, haste.
    There are some massive damage area spells, too many to name. And mordenkainens sword is a nice summon.

    Another fun combination is enchantment with conjuration. Summons with disablers that are made better with greater malison. An emotion or hold monster spell, chaos or feeble mind.. they just stick very easily. There are some minor buffs available as well.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 620
    lroumen wrote: »
    I have played a lot of Transmutation + Evocation throughout the years. It gives overall good protection in shield, stoneskin and fireshields. You have some nasty disabler spells such as slow, disintegration or flesh to stone, and polymorph other. There are options to go into melee as well with the weapon spells, tensers, haste.
    There are some massive damage area spells, too many to name. And mordenkainens sword is a nice summon.

    Thanks! 👍 I have quickly tested Abjurer/Transmuter in BP1. It's not so balanced, in particular, few useful spells of level 2, and too many spells of level 3-5. My choice of spells:

    Level 1: Burning Hands, Color Spray, Protection from Evil, Protection from Petrification, Shock.
    Level 2: Knock, Resist Fear, Strength, Vocalize (+Mirror Image, no enough Abjuration/Alteration spells).
    Level 3: Minor Spell Deflection, Protection from Normal Missiles, Slow, Wraithform.
    Level 4: Stone Skin, Polymorph Other, Polymorph Self.
    Level 5: Breach, Protection from Normal Weapons.

    Basically, my Sorcerer attacks just with Burning Hands, Polymorph Other and Slow. 😼

    I'm planning to continue both with Illusionist/Necromancer and with Abjurer/Transmuter in BP2. 😎
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