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Dualed Yoshimo from a SoD import is like a whole new companion to explore

I had asked this question previously but finally am in a run where I made use of Yoshimo. If you pause right after Yoshimo's initial dialogue, you can dual him to a fighter right at the start of the game. No worries about traps, Imoen is enough for Irenicus' dungeon.

With a SoD imported game he will shoot up to a matching fighter level as his thief level, meaning you only need one more level to hit the unlock. In my recent run, all I did was the circus tent, the copper coronet quest trio (Hendak, the slaver compound, and the sewer dungeon) and the DeArnise keep, and Yoshimo hit the next level and unlocked his dual. Just to give folks a sense of how long it took.

He has enough of a thief investment that you don't need to add another thief to the party (for now). Though you'll probably have to rely on potions of master thievery has his pick locks score isn't super high. Plenty drop though. 100 traps, 65 locks. This does end up gimping his thief kit a bit, so don't expect to do much with his set traps skills.

The compensation however, is huge. You'll get the four initial weapon pips from fighter. And then three from the levels you "earned" from the SoD XP boost. Meaning you can max any weapon of your choice and potentially a fighting style or two pips in a secondary weapon. Right at the start of the game. I personally went long bow for an elite thaco for the early stages, but with Yohsimo's solid physical stats, you could easily do a dual-wielding frontliner if you wanted.

Hexxat could perhaps serve as a late game replacement for the guy.


  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    There is a problem 🤔 with the immediate dual-classing. Yoshimo joins the party at level 10, but a Bounty Hunter of level 11 gets the following nice improvement of his special traps:

    11th level: Deals 4d8+5 missile damage and holds target for 5 rounds if a Save vs. Spell with a -1 penalty is failed.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    Unavoidable. The trick relies on his joining XP being applied after the dual if you hit the button quickly enough. If you wait long enough to raise Yoshimo's thief level, you'll have enough XP to hit thief level 12 and then you won't be applying any free XP to the fighter side, so it'll be over a million XP needed to complete the dual.

    Also, both normal thief traps and Bounty Hunter special snares use innate caster level for their scaling - average character level for multiclasses, not thief level. A level 10 -> 11 Yoshimo gets the level 11 traps. If you pushed him all the way to fighter level 21, those would be the level 16 traps. The real problem is that Yoshimo didn't bother actually investing in the skill, so he's terrible at laying traps if you don't spend a few level-ups in it. And he doesn't get many uses; the number of uses of the traps is based on thief level.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    jmerry wrote: »

    Damn. 😜

  • DinoDinDinoDin Member Posts: 1,605
    edited September 2023
    Yeah if you go the path of trying to level up as a thief first, well you're stuck trying to dig a bunch of XP out of chapter 2, 3, and maybe watcher's keep. Frankly I don't think you'll enjoy a playthrough with him like that as much and you might as well just stick with a single class thief.

    This suggestion is about a different kind of build where Yoshimo is more of a fighter first, with some thief skills.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    I usually change him to a kensai dual to thief.
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