what are these sentences mean?

I'm working on the SOD Chinese language pack, this time the gnome Hoach Randymonk, the Cobbler in the Bridgefort, likes to use "reckon" as his talking style, and I don't know how to translate some sentences to chinese language. what are "Reckon y'are at that", "Reckon they do at that", "Reckon it is at that" mean?

The gnome's talking very informal. So 49660/49708/49712 is "You are/It is correct." or "You can say that." or a very idiom-filled Chinese equvivalent - I don't know Chinese to suggest imaginitive responses to that. (Keep in mind that 49712 is a response to "Sieges do tend to negatively affect business.")
49756 is also somewhere between the agreement and "Guess I should do that".
thank you for your reply, I got it