My Three Monks Party of Level 37

I tested today all 3 types of monks in BP1+BP2 up to level 37 (before the final fight in BP2) on normal difficulty. It's quite tedious in the beginning but becomes funnier starting from level 7-8.
At level 37, monks are really great melee fighters with AC=-13, THAC0=-7, 100% poison immunity and 78% magic immunity. 👊
At level 37, monks are really great melee fighters with AC=-13, THAC0=-7, 100% poison immunity and 78% magic immunity. 👊
Yeah, right, my Dark Moon monk has 100+ points in Detect Illusions. However, it doesn't detect inactive invisible spellcasters in BP2 arena. 🤔
In particular, in the final battle, my monks killed everybody except for Thassk Kun, who hided like that. 😼
Thassk Kun is immune to my explosive aoe item spells. Before in the fight III-5, I killed like that an invisible Thrall Mage, but it didn't entice her into battle. 😼
Great idea 👍 but I can't do it on Nintendo Switch. Anyway, I don't wanna replay that difficult final fight. Let's say that Thassk Kun escaped from prisoners' vengeance. 😸
I thought the invisibility spell should be negated with find traps. Only hide in shadow+no detection should make a character safe from find traps, right?
Oh, I understand now, it's probably my "blunder" since I put an Improved AI with, by default, Hide in Shadows instead of Find Traps. I forgot about it during BP2 arena fights having no traps anyway. So, my monks just don't try to detect anything in those fights. 😹
P.S. I have searched info in forums and, while active Detect Illusions = 75+ should detect invisible creatures, in practice it doesn't work for many players.