Script not working

This script compiles fine but does not work. Intended to destroy all enemies when the PC exits an area.
void main() { object oPC = GetExitingObject(); object oCreature; oCreature = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE); while(GetIsObjectValid(oCreature)) { if (GetIsEnemy(oPC, oCreature)) { DestroyObject(oCreature); } oCreature = GetNextObjectInArea(); } }
Always ask - what object is running this script?
In this case, it's the area.
So OBJECT_SELF - the default second parameter - is the area.
Since the area has no location, GetNearestObject will return OBJECT_INVALID.
If you specify oPC as the second parameter, it will work, but then you have to change GetNextObjectInArea to GetNearestObject, passing a parameter to get the 2nd, 3rd... instance until there are no more.
Alternatively, start with GetFirstObjectInArea. Test that the object is a creature before testing GetIsEnemy (for good order). Then GetNextObjectInArea is the correct way to continue the lóop.
The lexicon is hard for me to understand at times. lol!
Try removing OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE from both, then change the test to
or if you prefer
That's useful to know, thanks.