Limiting the level casters can cast without 2da

Gooday all,
As the title states, I want to limit the spell level that casters can either learn or, not ideally, cast without 2da modifications or limiting the casters general level.
i.e. 20th level wizard that can only cast 6th level spells or lower.
I see that I could decrement a spells useage , or maybe limit or zero out a casters spell use per level. If this is possible could you give me a quick example.
Thank you for your time,
As the title states, I want to limit the spell level that casters can either learn or, not ideally, cast without 2da modifications or limiting the casters general level.
i.e. 20th level wizard that can only cast 6th level spells or lower.
I see that I could decrement a spells useage , or maybe limit or zero out a casters spell use per level. If this is possible could you give me a quick example.
Thank you for your time,
I don't know of any way to block them from learning them.
Thank you for your response. I was thinking that would be the way I would need to do it. I have not worked with spell hooks, Could I make a clause, as a hook, the would exit the spell script if the spell level is 7 or more? Thus no having to eliminate the spell but the spell just failing to function?
Again thank you all for your time.
Line 274 starts the X2PreSpellCastCode() function.
You should be able to limit it right there.
Something like: