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Updates for the Android version of our games (Oct 31, 2023)

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
Attention Android players! We will be releasing updates to our games today to comply with Google Play's new target API level requirements:
  • Axis & Allies 1942 Online
  • Neverwinter Nights (fixing the crashing issue with saving)
  • Baldur's Gate I & II
  • Siege of Dragonspear
  • Icewind Dale

Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition on Android will be delisted from the store after Oct 31.

We want to update the game to 64 bit & make it use the latest required Android SDK.

As this is a large undertaking, we ask for your patience while we work through Google requirements.


  • jack797jack797 Member Posts: 1
    I like your game and hope Planescape: Torment: Enhanced will return to mobile soon👍
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Fantastic news! Keep up good work.
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2023
    Good afternoon! Is the release date for the update for neverwinter nights on Android known?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    Ardmor wrote: »
    Good afternoon! Is the release date for the update for neverwinter nights on Android known?

    The update was released on Oct 31.
  • Miscr3antMiscr3ant Member Posts: 1
    Any chance we will get an update soon allowing us to play on PW's using mobile? Right now I get the error message saying I need at least v ****.35-40
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 14
    Ardmor wrote: »
    Good afternoon! Is the release date for the update for neverwinter nights on Android known?

    The update was released on Oct 31.

    Great, but I meant the update that adds more multiclasses, AoE visible spell effects, and more
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    Currently, we don't have the resources to port NWN ****.35-40 to Android. However, never say never.
  • ArdmorArdmor Member Posts: 14
    Currently, we don't have the resources to port NWN ****.35-40 to Android. However, never say never.

    It's sad to hear this :( many modules have been adapted for the latest version of the game on PC and they do not run on Android, we have to look for other solutions to this problem. I really hope that we will still see the latest version on Android. Thank you for your work.
  • Halil21Halil21 Member Posts: 1
    Looking forward to the Planescape: Torment EE update from you. Let's hope you finish the update as soon as possible!(
  • RadicalistRadicalist Member Posts: 1
    Developers, we're still waiting for the Planescape: Torment EE update. Can you tell us how long we have to wait? The work on porting the game to new devices with 64-bit processor can't take so long, right?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    This will take a lot of time, sorry.
  • FranciscojttFranciscojtt Member Posts: 5
    unfortunately I can't play anymore, because now the game is for Android 13 and mine is 14 :c I'm considering asking for a refund because I don't know how long it will take to update again
  • ShiraxShirax Member Posts: 2
    I too have been waiting for Planescape Torment to be updated so that I can play it on my Android device. I hope that you can make it happen this tear!
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 334
    Yes this tear is being shed for all mobile platforms that need updates. Maybe we can get a piece an infitisimal shred of insight into wether Beamdog cares about us.
  • gambediosgambedios Member Posts: 1
    Hey, just wondering if you have an approximate date for the release of Planescape Torment: EE in android 13, as for now it is incompatible
  • solonaisesolonaise Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I want to buy Planescape but I still can't. Is there an update on when or if the game will ever be available again?

    Thank you have a nice day!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    edited July 2
    No update yet. We'll let everyone know when we have any news.
  • Radicalist3Radicalist3 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    Developers, your games still don't run on 14 android. So how soon will you finally release updates for all ports? It's been a long time...
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 334
    Its gettin crazy no joke. We've been patient.
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