Changing a placeables state

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to have a placeable (a door) change it's state from closed to opened when clicked and I just can't get it to work.
It's possible to change initial states between closed/opened/destroyed so I'm assuming that it's possible somehow. :S
It's possible to change initial states between closed/opened/destroyed so I'm assuming that it's possible somehow. :S
Post edited by Haddox on
The full set of codes for placeables is at the end of this list.
It worked perfectly! Thank you so much @Proleric
I asked ChatGPT to throw together a check for a open/closed variable cause I'm a lazy boy
Leaving it here for anyone that might need it
returns TRUE on Open and False when closed. The parameter is the door/chest/whatever openable thing you are checking.
FWIW, have you got the scripting FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions with answers)? If not see - Just The FAQs, ma'am. 100+ common questions answered + tutorials, etc.
I see, yeah I guess that is way easier.
I'm just learning by doing atm so it's what was closest in mind for me.
I'll try that for sure
Then again, ChatGBT will have seen the same reports...
So far it's been doing what I've asked it to do with varying success. But yeah, it can perform and solve quite a few problems and seems to be aware of basic NWscript so far. However, it does have a tendency to make up its own functions when there's not any material for it to reference to.
Have you tried it out yourself? I found it to be quite trainable, but it does need source material from the lexicon and manuals when you need it to sort out scripts on its own.
I just use it for compiling as an alternative to LilacSoul's script generator or to my own already sketchy scripts..
Oh missed this as well, awesome resource. Thank you!