Building Scripting Experience / Professional Development

I'm not sure this is exactly the right place to be posting, but since I've spent many years using NWN and using the toolset, the NWN community seems a good stepping stone to ask:
What other programming languages are helpful to learn for game design? I think Python get's mentioned almost all the time, are there others?
Having spent time with NWN has given me some basic starters in C and C+ for NWN2, although both can be much more complex. Thinking about what sort of languages are good for today's game development. From other people's experience, what, where are the best resources to learn these?
What other programming languages are helpful to learn for game design? I think Python get's mentioned almost all the time, are there others?
Having spent time with NWN has given me some basic starters in C and C+ for NWN2, although both can be much more complex. Thinking about what sort of languages are good for today's game development. From other people's experience, what, where are the best resources to learn these?
For Professional you have to make some choices. Choose the platform you intend to write for mobile or desktop/console. Mobile is probably Java. The rest is probably C++.
However to actually get a job you will probably need to get a degree and have a good dose of luck especially if the gaming industry is still as ageist as it used to be for getting your first job. You could always specialise in some aspect and try going down the be the go-to guy route for your specialisation.
It's not a steady line of work, from what I hear.
A lot of those postings ask for Computer Science Degree, exclusively. Never understood why as most stuff could be self studied. To verify there is an understanding of how to do programming safely and securely I suppose.
Who knows, the best careers are sometimes those that are a hobby turned professional.
Ah Z. The program specification language with its dots and backwards E's and upside down A's. Pre and Post Conditions too. Based around Set Theory and the mathematician's expansion to Boolean Algebra. I even have a book on it - An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Formal System Specification (Amazon UK link) by D.C. Ince (in the Oxford Applied Mathematics and Computing Science Series). If you are not really mathematically inclined Z will send you insane! Used to be that it's use was mandatory for all UK government contracts at one time.
Anyone use it today?