Conversation Parameters and PW?

Gooday to ya,
Is it safe to use Conversation Parameters in a Persistent World Module?
Thank you for your time,
Is it safe to use Conversation Parameters in a Persistent World Module?
Thank you for your time,
What you need to do is find a way to make tokens unique to each conversation, which generally means you have to write a new conversation file which uses different Custom Tokens for each NPC, even if the conversation is otherwise identical.
I was thinking about the scripts with GetScriptParam and variables set in the individual nodes. I see if someone exits the conversation or escapes out of it Parameter scripts might be left in place. Could this bleed into another PC's, or the PC who exited the conversation only to renew it again Conversation, tainting their data.
Thank you for your time,
If player 2 starts a different instance of conversation C, P is undefined unless C assigns a value, which need not be the same as the first player's.
I'm no expert on PW, but I can't see a case where using parameters could lead to conflict.
Wanted to thank you for your insightful info. It is greatly appreciated.
That seems like a very bad design.
I'm guessing that that is not how it works. More likely they are limited to the scope of the conversation. So just like SetScriptParam passes the param only to the next call of ExecuteScript or ExecuteScriptChunk within the same script, it won't 'bleed' to another conversation going on elsewhere the the PW.
I would not be surprised if the conversation params are just a wrapper script that adds a SetScriptParam for the parameter and then calls ExecuteScript.