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I cannot enter the Fortress of Regrets in Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

I cannot enter the Fortress of Regrets because the portal on the second floor of the Mortuary does not appear. During my first visit to Old Mebbeth, upon leaving the Hut, all levels explored were in the "fog of war". The locations looked like I was visiting them for the first time. A second Morte appeared in the Mortuary, and a second Dak'kon appeared in the Burning Corpse bar. Maybe these bugs are related. Save file is attached. Thank you in advance.


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    It sounds like you've encountered the dreaded "Modron Maze" bug. It can occur in modded games and resets areas and stores to their initial state which effectively discards your current game progress. Unfortunately this change is irreversible.

    To work around this game bug you have to install the mod Generalized Biffing and revert to a save from before you've entered the Modron Maze for the first time.
  • dimka_barsikdimka_barsik Member Posts: 3
    argent77 wrote: »
    It sounds like you've encountered the dreaded "Modron Maze" bug. It can occur in modded games and resets areas and stores to their initial state which effectively discards your current game progress. Unfortunately this change is irreversible.

    To work around this game bug you have to install the mod Generalized Biffing and revert to a save from before you've entered the Modron Maze for the first time.

    Thank you very much! I'll try this solution.
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