How does Stealth work ?

It is little difficult to explain what I am uncertain how it works so I will use picture.
According to wiki
"When a character attempts to enter stealth mode, the first condition checked is whether the character can see any hostile enemies. If hostile enemies are present, the character will fail to enter stealth. What's relevant is whether or not the character sees the enemy, not whether the enemy sees the character."
What exactly constitutes - "character sees the enemy" ?
In the below picture does the character see the enemy ? Notice the character is looking in the opposite direction of the ogre so I assume the character is not seeing the enemy. Is this correct ?
Or the character is considered to see the enemy even if with her back towards ogre because the distance between them is too close ? In other words do I need to be far enough away from the ogre to be considered not seeing the ogre or do I only need to turn the character with her back toward the ogre without regard to distance between them ?

My feeling is that it does not matter if you are turned face or back toward the enemy in order to see the ogre. What matters is what is the distance between them, or is the enemy inside the Fog of War radius or outside it.
I am not sure if the above is true, but let's assume is true because I have a second question.
Is there a mod that can show me if an enemy is outside my fog of war radius ? In the below picture if I move Edwin towards the ogre, the ogre will be in Edwin's radius. But then how am I able to say if the ogre is in my thief radius or not ? Because Edwin reveals the fog of war and I simply cannot tell arbitrarily if I am outside my own fog of war (kinda overlaps with Edwin's).
Maybe there is a mod that can show me if enemy is in thief's radius or outside ? So that I can know how far is enough far to enter stealth.

It becomes very difficult to say if I am in the radius when many characters are present on the map. I wished Beamdog simply made the stealth button greyed out if enemy is inside my radius. Currently it is enabled even if enemy inside and if I click on it the stealth will fail and I have to wait another round to be active again.

According to wiki
"When a character attempts to enter stealth mode, the first condition checked is whether the character can see any hostile enemies. If hostile enemies are present, the character will fail to enter stealth. What's relevant is whether or not the character sees the enemy, not whether the enemy sees the character."
What exactly constitutes - "character sees the enemy" ?
In the below picture does the character see the enemy ? Notice the character is looking in the opposite direction of the ogre so I assume the character is not seeing the enemy. Is this correct ?
Or the character is considered to see the enemy even if with her back towards ogre because the distance between them is too close ? In other words do I need to be far enough away from the ogre to be considered not seeing the ogre or do I only need to turn the character with her back toward the ogre without regard to distance between them ?

My feeling is that it does not matter if you are turned face or back toward the enemy in order to see the ogre. What matters is what is the distance between them, or is the enemy inside the Fog of War radius or outside it.
I am not sure if the above is true, but let's assume is true because I have a second question.
Is there a mod that can show me if an enemy is outside my fog of war radius ? In the below picture if I move Edwin towards the ogre, the ogre will be in Edwin's radius. But then how am I able to say if the ogre is in my thief radius or not ? Because Edwin reveals the fog of war and I simply cannot tell arbitrarily if I am outside my own fog of war (kinda overlaps with Edwin's).
Maybe there is a mod that can show me if enemy is in thief's radius or outside ? So that I can know how far is enough far to enter stealth.

It becomes very difficult to say if I am in the radius when many characters are present on the map. I wished Beamdog simply made the stealth button greyed out if enemy is inside my radius. Currently it is enabled even if enemy inside and if I click on it the stealth will fail and I have to wait another round to be active again.

Post edited by Soido on
Fun facts and useful information:
1 if the thief is blinded he can see only the enemies that are really close, in direct contact, so a blinded thief can hide and stab at will in plain sight.
2 the amount of light in the point the thief tries to hide matters, matters a lot. In a dungeon the thief with sub optimal hiding skill will fail often to hide in some points, but often if he moves only few steps into a point with less light he is able to hide successfully most of the times. The same is true for a thief with very good stealth skills in the open during the day time, morning or evening, moving into the shadow of a building, a rock or something other he can hide successfully while when directly "kissed" by the sun's rays he often fails.
3 as long as he is hidden successfully he can move into full light areas an he will remain hidden (unless true sight or something other reveals him), he will remain hidden until the timer expires, the more skill the more time, or if he does something that breaks the invisibility like attacking.
4 if a hidden thief needs to change weapon do it from the inventory page, if you do it trough the quick slots it breaks the invisibility.
5 hiding in shadows is extremely powerful i.e. a thief coming at the edge of the view field of a mage if waits that the mage starts to cast a spell and then does a step back and hides will make the mage's spell fizzle and be wasted (if is an on target one, not if is an aoe one like fireball). A thief can deplete the entire spell book of a powerful mage with this tactic if he wants. A thief can use a corner with low light to hide the split second he turns the corner and the powerful warrior that is pursuing him is out of sight and then he can stab, an hasted thief in a dungeon with 2 corners or in the open at night time can stab the most powerful fighter without retaliation (use a staff that has a longest reach). And on and over, the more you use stealth the more creative and powerful you it is, it is potentially one of the most powerful things in the game...
Have fun fellow rogue!
I can add another hint
Hint 6 - If you are hasted often times after a backstab the enemy still doesn't "detect you. As long as you immediately start running away after the backstab. Apparently you move so fast that the enemy cannot realize it got backstabbed and stays in one place unaware. Rinse repeat. But only works if hasted or the boots of cheetah.