Advanced Rest Scripting

I'm wondering what files in the game deal with the specifics of resting? Is it hard coded? When talking about specifics, I mean things like heal rates, how the game deals with removing effects after resting, spellbooks etc.
This would be useful in creating a custom rest system!
This would be useful in creating a custom rest system!
See also restduration.2da.
Anything you don't see explicitly there is likely hard-coded.
A player begins to rest;
A player's rest ends normally;
A player's rest is cancelled.
There are two reasons for rest being cancelled:
The player cancelled their own rest;
A creature hostile to the player wandered within range.
Functions can tell you which of the first three caused the OnPlayerRest script to be called, but you can only tell whether or not a creature wandering within range cancelled the rest by searching for creatures within range which are hostile to the player.