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Poll: Best Dragon in BG2

LathandersVanguardLathandersVanguard Member Posts: 16
Who reigns supreme as the best Dragon in BG2:EE?


  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,038
    Firkraag for the backstory, dungeon, and challenge.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,234
    Draconis mainly because I find it the hardest fight. It’s the only fight that is consistently tough regardless of my party. Often it’s the toughest fight of the entire series.

    I was tempted to say Firkraag, at least to say he’s the biggest jerk and I love pounding him into oblivion. But that’s sort of true about all the dragons except Adalon.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 534
    Shadow Dragon because I really like the encounter design which lets you sneak by him. Obviously Firkraag comes first in quantitative terms of content.
  • messymessy Member Posts: 35
    Gotta go with Firky.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited November 2023
    The best one is the yellow dragon from tactics mod, he gives you a very challenging quest and at the end if you choose to fight him is the toughest one, a very hard fight. He is not a vanilla dragon so it is fine that is not included in the poll, but I think that he deserves at least a mention. Among the SoA ones I find the shadow one the more annoying for his level draining, while it is quite easy to be protected from fire, in ToB Draconis is the strongest one and he is my choice in the poll.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 657
    I think you missed the unnamed red dragon from the Hell’s Tears Trials?

    Doesn’t matter anyway because he’s not my favourite. Although I like ones like this and Saladrex and Fll’Yssetatwho you can reason with rather than fighting.
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