[ALL EE GAMES] Original mode in EE.

I know that the GOG releases come with the original versions from back in the day, but they may have compatibility issues and such. Not to mention that you cannot get them should you buy the games from Steam, Beamdog, or consoles.
The best solution for this is to add an Original Mode or Classic Mode to these games that is still compatible with modern devices, still has 16:9, but brings back gameplay to the original release. Or the last version of the original release. This means all new additions and gameplay changes from the Enhanced Editions would be gone.
The best solution for this is to add an Original Mode or Classic Mode to these games that is still compatible with modern devices, still has 16:9, but brings back gameplay to the original release. Or the last version of the original release. This means all new additions and gameplay changes from the Enhanced Editions would be gone.