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BG2EE Jaheira and Aerie romance question

Currently I’m romancing Jaheira and I’m probably also romancing Aerie too. I’m not sure. I’ve quite a bit of conversations with Aerie. Anyways they both came to blows with each other after a few previous blows and Aerie and Jaheira have pretty much told me to choose between them. But I see the other option that tells them both “enough from the both of you!” And also the one that tells Aerie you’re just not interested in her that way. What are the outcomes of those two dialogues? Will I get to keep Aerie in my party? How will she be afterwards? Depressed? Fine? I’ve been trying to be nice to her and comfort her and Jaheira both, but I don’t wanna lose two good friends.


  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Sadly the original game doesn't really allow for friendship. It's either romance or rejection. She will stay in the party unless you are rude to her, but there won't be any further player dialogues.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I believe the options depend largely on who initiates the break-up convo, Jaheira or Aerie, and it sounds like it so happened that Aerie was the one to trigger it. As for the outcome, I can't speak for Aerie as it's been years since I last played BG2 (and I always choose her anyway ;P), but if you reject Jaheira she most definitely will still stay in the party. I think she's better equipped to deal with rejection in any case (and if BG3 is any indication, romanced or not she turns out just fine in the end.)
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    It's been a long time, but I believe Aerie will still stay in your party if you reject her. There will be that awkward silence tho. :o
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