[ALL EE GAMES] Japanese translations

The original versions of all the Enhanced Edition games had Japanese-translated releases courtesy of SEGA.
Unfortunately, these new Enhanced Editions have no Japanese language option available.
I hope you can hire Japanese translators, and work with SEGA on porting the older Japanese translations to the Enhanced Editions, while polishing up any errors and translating new content.
Ironically, when Japan got Icewind Dale II, it was the only game in this lineage that was not published or translated by SEGA.
Unfortunately, these new Enhanced Editions have no Japanese language option available.
I hope you can hire Japanese translators, and work with SEGA on porting the older Japanese translations to the Enhanced Editions, while polishing up any errors and translating new content.
Ironically, when Japan got Icewind Dale II, it was the only game in this lineage that was not published or translated by SEGA.