Celestial summons, bug- not possible to summon a new one

So the problem is that when I summon a deva/planetar and it dies, I can not summon a new one. I get a message stating that I can not summon more monsters . How can that be, when I have no summons active?
Moreover even when I rest muItiple times I still can't summon more celestials. This bug only refers to celestials, other summons are ok.
I can summon a new celestial only if I move to a new area (loading screen) .
I only have minor mods installed with tweek anthology, but nothing with summons was tweeked, and SCS . I played with these mods before and I never had that problem.
Is there anyway to fix that?
Moreover even when I rest muItiple times I still can't summon more celestials. This bug only refers to celestials, other summons are ok.
I can summon a new celestial only if I move to a new area (loading screen) .
I only have minor mods installed with tweek anthology, but nothing with summons was tweeked, and SCS . I played with these mods before and I never had that problem.
Is there anyway to fix that?