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Dealing with Cutscenes and Hasted oPC's

nwfan87nwfan87 Member Posts: 101
edited November 2023 in Builders - Scripting
Quite often in cutscenes, we want to move the camera gradually from one spot to another, often using the oPC with an Invisibility effect as our 'hook' to guide the camera to the right place.

However, the issue with this is that if you have something like a Monk, the movement will be faster than other characters, making it really hard to keyframe the cutscene. That's not taking into account any Haste effect by spell of item property.

Does anyone have any solutions that they have found useful, or perhaps eliminates this problem entirely? Perhaps there is a different method which works better?


  • TheTinmanTheTinman Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2023
    Have you tried using EffectSlow to temporarily slow them down during the cutscene? Something like this?
    void main()
    object oSpeedy = GetEnteringObject();
    effect eSlugSpeed = EffectSlow();
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    The Gestalt cutscene package on Neverwinter Vault - which I'd recommend for all your cutscene needs - has a function GestaltSetSpeed() which "sets the speed of the selected character so that they will go fDistance metres in fTime seconds".

    The function GestaltCameraCrane() provides for smooth movement of the camera in all other respects.

    The nice thing about Gestalt is that it resets everything cleanly at the end of the scene.

    If you need a more detailed insight into the factors that affect PC speed, my Travel Builder module has a function ptGetSpeed() which you'll find in the library bh_travel_inc.
  • nwfan87nwfan87 Member Posts: 101
    @TheTinman @Proleric Some good solutions here. I suppose it depends on the very specifics of what one is trying to achieve in the cutscene. I found that for my specific situation, that I was able to use a couple of work around scripts to bypass the need for any further systems.

    But I can think of other instances where something like Gestalt's function would be very helpful. From experience, it is very helpful to have everything reset at the end automatically. Saves a lot of time.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    I was skeptical about Gestalt at first, as there is a learning curve, but it's saved countless hours because it works out of the box, whereas the native cutscene functions require much tweaking.
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