Looking for mod that allow to create multi-class hero with kit (not dual-class), like kensai/mage

in BG:EE Mods
Hi, I’m looking for mod to BG1:EE that would allowed to create multi-class hero with kit. For example assassin/mage, kensai/mage, swashbuckler/mage etc. Not dual-class, but multi-class. I’ve played many times dual-classing but I want to try something new. I know that’s it cheese but I want it anyway, just for fun.
I know that I can use shadow keeper/ee keeper to add manually bonus from kit but when using this method, you have to do it every now and then when you level up, so it sucks
Thx for help. Regards.
I know that I can use shadow keeper/ee keeper to add manually bonus from kit but when using this method, you have to do it every now and then when you level up, so it sucks

Thx for help. Regards.
- Kit Tomes 2.01
- Multikits mod (https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/77807/mod-multikits)
- Might and Guile (https://github.com/UnearthedArcana/Might_and_Guile)
Multikits don’t have mage/thief option (only warrior/mage/thief), Might and Guile I’m not sure, so the first option is most likely the easiest one.
You'd have to make do something considerably more involved than just assigning the kit to a multiclass character or letting them choose it at character creation to make those kits work properly.
Thank You for the information.
What did you mean when You’ve written “standard thief kits”?
Does it mean, that when I make multi assassin/mage, assassin kit will not work properly? Backstab, thief points, flat bonus, special skills etc.?
What about mods that change standard thief kits, such as Rogue Rebalancing that alters assassin kit? Would that help?
What You’ve written about “standard thief kits” means, that when I apply some mod, that create brand new thief kit (for example Spellfilcher or Loremaster from Might and Guile), it would work fine when use multi-class option?
The two things that break are thief skill points and backstab progression; those use the multiclass tables which are identical to an unkitted thief.
What does work right is everything in the ability tables. Which includes any active skills like traps or Poison Weapon, and any flat bonuses to skills because those are implemented through an entry in the ability table that applies a "spell" to the character. Also, Hide in Plain Sight works because it's hardcoded to the kit ID number; any stealth-capable character with the Shadowdancer kit can hide in plain sight even if there's no shadowdancer kit for their class.
Mods that change kits around or create new kits ... how would I know? But if they're using the standard framework and referencing the same tables, you're likely to run into the same issues with skill points and backstab progression.
I see. But eventually I think that problem with thief skill points and backstab progression could be solved with EE Keeper. But you would have to do it (make correction) every time you enter a level (thief skill points) and every few levels (backstab progression). Tiring but doable.