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Save entries from 2da into Array

TimaTima Member Posts: 6
Hi, this may be a simple question but my knowledge in WeiDU is still basic so I don't know how I could read a 2da file then save specific values in an array then iterate over this array and do something with it.

Let me explain the scenario I want to achieve may be there is something easier than the way I think it will achieve my requirement; I want to modify every CLABXX##.2da file that is under the class priest in the KitList.2da so basically I would do a COPY_EXISTING then COUNT_2DA_COLS and ROWS then PATCH_IF the class has the ID of the priest then get the CLAB corresponding to this row then add it to an array then I would loop over this array then add a new entry to each of these 2da files. But I don't know how I would add values while reading a 2da file into array. Can someone help me please ?
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