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Need a stable, 'the best of' weidu log for BGEE & BG2EE

TrollopsAndPlugTailsTrollopsAndPlugTails Member Posts: 49
edited November 2023 in General Modding
I look to start a new playthrough. I don't have luck with mods: installing a bunch of content playtested by many others, and deemed stable, always results in at least some bugs, and usually many:

1. messed up dialog lines;
2. infinite dialogue loops
3. missing NPCs required to progress quests;
4. wrong imports from BG to BG2 (portraits disappearing, wrong kits)

If someone has recently (well, within the last year) completed a playthrough through the EE trilogy, I'd be very grateful for weidu logs listing the mods they used.

I am interested in quality content, in line with Bioware/Beamdog stuff - so no Sandrah, or that teen paladin whatshername, please, but as complete as possible. I heard that many new, fantastic party members have been created recently. I want:

1. Unfinished business
2. Semi-complete set of quest packs
3. Spell revisions, IWDfication (optionally item revisions)
4. Non-op items
5. Non narcissistic custom NPCs without a snowflake syndrome
6. Soundsets
7. Convenience tweaks + SCS.
8. A seal of approval stating it all worked together ;)

Kitpacks are optional, although a good rework of divine magic would be welcome. Experience taught me that installing many mods makes the game significantly easier, so I'd also like to bring the difficulty back down to around 'core rules + SCS' or slightly higher, without going insane/masochistic. I don't want anything drastically changing the plot or mechanics this time, just straightforward tweaks and optional additions. If you can recommend an armor & proficiency rework that has been recently updated I'll gladly have a look at it, but I didn't particularly like anything that was out there the last time I played (about 4 ago, I think).

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