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Questions about the hard coding of BAM animations

1. What are model animation files ending with A7-A9 used for? I do not see any matching weapon animations.
2. Is there a legend to the naming scheme used by BAM files? For example, for long sword there are WPHS0*.BAM, WPLS0*.BAM, WPMS0*.BAM files and I am not sure when one is used over another (at least one of these is probably for off-hand, but I find it hard to deduce more).
3. Is it possible to create your own class, with a completely new model(s) and animation set(s)?
4. If so, is it possible to create an animation set 'monk with a 2H weapon' and add an effect to all quaterstaffs that switches to it when equipped by a monk :P ?
5. Are the animation sets for weapons hard coded, that is it is impossible to add new weapon models? When I look into 'on equip' effects of weapons, it seems so.
6. If no new models can be added, but I still wanted two-handed katanas and bastard sword animations, I could just overwrite one (two) of the gazillion helmet models with katana animations, and make the unlucky helmet(s) share files with another helmet, right?
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