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SCS issues

Shin0b1G6Shin0b1G6 Member Posts: 23
edited December 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
Hey, trying to install SCS on both BG games, BG1's no issue, but BG2 I'm getting errors when trying to install SCS alongside Edwin Romance [for Viconia happy ending and Edwina portrait], Ascension, UB, ARestoration Project, Ding0's Questpack, Jastey's Solaufein, Banter Packs [Pocket Plane Group], IEP Banters, friendship mods for Viconia, Mazzy, Yoshimo, Korgan, Valygar, Haer'Dalis, Minsc, Sarevok, and Imoen, romance mods for both Valygar and Haer'Dalis, Convenient NPCs to disable EE NPCs [playing Enhanced Editions by the way], Rogue Rebalancing, IWDification, CD Tweaks, then SCS, followed by aTweaks, PPE, The Picture Standard, and BGT Worldmap in that precise order, and this isn't the first time I've had this issue either. Got everything working in my last install order thinking the issue was that the latest Ascension version [which's why I'm using an older version of Ascension at the moment] and other mods I tried using was the culprit, but now I think it's just SCS that's the problem here. I'm no modding expert, so, What do I do other than not use SCS and Ascension together at this point? Here's the debug for my latest failed install attempt if anyone can help me:

Edit: Apparently there's a new version of SCS out now which I didn't know til I check Gibberling3 after posting this discussion. Sorry for any inconvenience peeps. Gonna try that with the latest Ascension and see how it works. Wish me luck.
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