I got sick of waiting so I started a new Vanilla game
BG:EE been freezing my comp for days now, rendering me sad and humbled.
I decided to start up a new BG:1 vanilla game to drown my sorrows in
First roll on my Elf fighter
I decided to start up a new BG:1 vanilla game to drown my sorrows in
First roll on my Elf fighter

And nice rolls
My video card is a 256mb Radeonx600
I was told that it should run the game fine. It actually runs perfectly smooth until the freezing point.
they're hitting me for 16 damage with bows, dayam!!
I wasn't aware of that....
Back then, I just played the game, didn't mess with config files...
However, I remember there wasn't a slider like in BG2 for FPS.
Actually no. Vanilla BG never had the ability to even change the AI updates. It was not until TUTU and BGT came out that we all were able to use AI updates in BG.
Though I really want to play faster then 30 AI updates.
If they don't fix this on the basis that it's not following Vanilla BG and then come out with BG2:EE and it still does not have AI updates then I would be flabbergasted. As BG2 and Throne had it built in.
Though I'm not very worried as I'm sure they will fix/add this in soon enough.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you lol.
BG never had AI updates. Only after BGT and TUTU came out could you change it. Unless I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure playing Vanilla BG back in 99 I was stuck at 30. Only after when TUTU and BGT came out did I change it.
Of course BG2 and Throne have always had AI updates.
I always see people complaining about the 30 fps. You people do realize any higher than that the game seems to run pretty unnaturally? Sure you run faster, but so does everything else (if I remember correctly)... always preferred to play it at its intended speed.... this is not an fps game...
I always thought it was a silly setting to play with, but it's always been there.
Maybe I just have patience and I just don't care much.
I saw (and still see) no need to speed up the whole game, though. I liked my leisurely strolls through the Sword Coast!
I'm not trying to offend anyone just getting a bit tired of the same old remarks for the last few days. Even though valid points have been made why we like to run the game a bit faster.
Yea I guess my memory got fuzzy haha and I'm not even that old. Your right, Vanilla BG can set AI updates. I just installed GOG's version though maybe Tales of the sword coast has something to do with it. I apologize and take back all that nonsense I was saying before.