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Possible Windspear Bug v2.6.6.0 - Jum does not appear 2nd time under certain conditions

If you go to Windspear Hills for 1st time, defeat paladins and then get invited by Garren to house house, go STRAIGHT inside, rest and then get warned by Jum that bandits are coming, fight bandits and witness thee abduction, then Jum appears a second time and gives you the note stating where to find Firkragg.


If you do the same and pickpocket Garren for all his items (including the deed for the Hills Estate) before entering his house, GO BACK TO THE PROMENADE BEFORE ENTERING THE HOUSE, fight six Radiant Heart operatives, THEN GO BACK TO THE HILLS AND ENTER THE HOUSE, the same process occurs, EXCEPT JUM DOES NOT APPEAR A 2ND TIME TO GUIDE YOU TO FIRKRAAG'S LAIR, using the note.

This is not a problem for me - obviously I know where Frikraag lives as I've played the game very often, but a newcomer would be at a potential disadvantage without guidance to the lair.

I've repeated this several times and it happens every time under the above 2 conditions - I suspect either the pickpocketing of the Hills deed or going back to Athklatla triggers the bug, but I'm not sure.

Where can I report this these days? Thanks
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