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Is this a bug in Suldanessellar? BG2EE

ZeroxSP7ZeroxSP7 Member Posts: 55
There’s a small scene in Suldanessellar where outside the House of the Moon, there’s 4 Rakshasas and 3 elven battlemages exchanging dialogue before fighting. Just as the scene ends and the fight starts, one of the Rakshasas turns into an elven battle mage.

I also get glimpses of one of them (not sure if it’s a Rakshasa or the elven battlemage) appearing a reappearing very rapidly on screen. Not as if he’s invisible and then going out of invisibility, but as if he’s, not sure if this is the right word or not, clipping or glitching in and out of the area, appearing and reappearing for the tiniest fraction of a second.

This seems like a bug or something and I thought I’d report it here. Any way I can fix this? Im gonna try reloading an earlier save and re entering that area to see if it just needed to be refreshed or reloaded or whatever.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    The rakshasa in this encounter (which disguise themselves as elves) use Mislead. Mislead maintains invisibility on the caster, so if they do something that reveals them (e.g, casting an offensive spell), they just become invisible again immediately on the next tick.

    Not a bug, just the way that spell works. If you want to stop the flickering, end that Mislead. True Sight/True Seeing, thief Detect Illusion, or just kill the clones (which don't get rakshasa immunities).
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