Alignment restricted to good

If you see this in a class be on high alert - game breaking feature
I started playing Archer and found myself unable to choose Horror as a Dream. Cure Poison is total garbage. Because if I kill an innocent I become Fallen Ranger losing all the good stuff Archer class offers.
I am not expert in the Forgotten Realm lore, I don't read books etc ever but this Fallen Archer is quite meaningless to me. It resembles or copies maybe Robin Hood who is supposed or said to be a good guy highly doubt any good human intentions unless they serve his own pockets as we know Robin Hood made quite good income robbing.
Anyways I am at 20 reputation stuck. I am severely limited using characters like Edwin, Dorn, Viconia, Kagain, Shar-Teel and so on. Some of them outright leave my party if dismissed and it forces me to use evil characters in order to mitigate this problem of which I truly don't care.
I understand how it is supposed to be interactive and role-playing but I don't care about this nonsense trash. I want to play my game with my archer with Viconia. Usually I will kill an innocent for a nice 10 reputation penalty and I will strategize around it but with Archer my hands are tied and I might abandon this game.
It is not about the money discount, it is about not being able to play archer. Because the game has too many + 1 reputation quests and too little - 1 quests. This is a serious game breaking flaw this reputation nonsense
Just drop this whole reputation trash away in the garbage bin. No matter my decisions if I decide to help someone or not, just don't reward these points. I am going to make a soup of these points. Just drop this system and let me reward myself rather than these stupid points + 1 or - 1. They should not even attempt to tell me what is good or what is bad in my own game. I says what is good and what is bad, not Bioware honcho
In fact I can give you counter example how this reputation system achieves the exact opposite of it. When playing a class non-restricted in fact you are forced to kill an innocent. So much for the rewards and the whole reputation mess
I started playing Archer and found myself unable to choose Horror as a Dream. Cure Poison is total garbage. Because if I kill an innocent I become Fallen Ranger losing all the good stuff Archer class offers.
I am not expert in the Forgotten Realm lore, I don't read books etc ever but this Fallen Archer is quite meaningless to me. It resembles or copies maybe Robin Hood who is supposed or said to be a good guy highly doubt any good human intentions unless they serve his own pockets as we know Robin Hood made quite good income robbing.
Anyways I am at 20 reputation stuck. I am severely limited using characters like Edwin, Dorn, Viconia, Kagain, Shar-Teel and so on. Some of them outright leave my party if dismissed and it forces me to use evil characters in order to mitigate this problem of which I truly don't care.
I understand how it is supposed to be interactive and role-playing but I don't care about this nonsense trash. I want to play my game with my archer with Viconia. Usually I will kill an innocent for a nice 10 reputation penalty and I will strategize around it but with Archer my hands are tied and I might abandon this game.
It is not about the money discount, it is about not being able to play archer. Because the game has too many + 1 reputation quests and too little - 1 quests. This is a serious game breaking flaw this reputation nonsense
Just drop this whole reputation trash away in the garbage bin. No matter my decisions if I decide to help someone or not, just don't reward these points. I am going to make a soup of these points. Just drop this system and let me reward myself rather than these stupid points + 1 or - 1. They should not even attempt to tell me what is good or what is bad in my own game. I says what is good and what is bad, not Bioware honcho
In fact I can give you counter example how this reputation system achieves the exact opposite of it. When playing a class non-restricted in fact you are forced to kill an innocent. So much for the rewards and the whole reputation mess
The only solution I can think of is to install a mod that either stops evil npcs from leaving (tweaks anthology probably has that), or a mod that changes reputation or at least makes it easier to reduce reputation (not sure).
For your current run, stealing is probably better than killing.
With respect to slow poison vs horror, that is unfortunately reputation based.
Falling as a paladin or ranger, in most cases, is also reputation-based. If you're at a high reputation, you can kill one innocent without falling.
Do I need to explain why > I carry 24 + potions of antivenom. While Horror can make dramatic impact
Then you not playing this game right because memorized spells is deficit while you can carry tons of potions for poison
As for the various forms of Horror...
Bhaalspawn innate: speed 1, duration 3 rounds, save vs spell.
Arcane spell: speed 2, duration 10 rounds, save vs spell.
Wand of Fear: speed 0, uninterruptible, duration 15 rounds, save vs spell at +2.
Ten or fifteen rounds of panic will reliably take enemies out of the fight long enough for you to deal with their friends. Three rounds won't; they're very likely to snap out of it while you're still fighting the ones that made their saves. And the difference between speed 1 and speed 2 on a spell very rarely matters.
I don't tend to go out and buy antidote potions; while they're available in considerable numbers from temple shops, I have other things I'd rather spend my early-game gold on. So by the time I head off to the Cloakwood, I'm not likely to have more than around ten of them. Saving those for emergencies like fast-acting wyvern and phase spider poison, while using Slow Poison for slower poisons like giant spiders and hobgoblin arrows, stretches those supplies out considerably.
Question jmerry. If I use wand in the round can I immediately follow with a spell or do I have to wait end of round after using the wand ?
Poison is a killer in this game. I almost lost my main character even with Poison Cure. Not to speak the fast time some poison ticks before you can administer the antidote. So better have potion in the inventory well stacked with it rather than rely on some clerics or dreams. At least if you play no-death runs you would think so.
And of course you're still going to sell wands of fear; it's not like you need more than one per character that can use them (bard, cleric, druid, mage).
I'm not sure if speed zero on an item activation means the same thing as it does for a spell; it may be like weapon attack initiative with a random component, as that's the same field in the item file. But it's definitely uninterruptible in any case.
It does none of those things. It is not "game breaking". And it's nice to clarify that in the unlikely event that someone who doesn't know much about BG stumbles on the misinformation in your post and takes it at face value.
This has nothing to do with the Archer class. There are no classes that can "choose Horror as a Dream". You get Horror as a special ability if your Reputation is 9 or less at the appropriate times.
And there is nothing preventing an Archer from getting Horror as a special ability without falling, because Archers do not normally become Fallen Archers unless their Reputation drops to 6 or less.
You will probably enjoy your gaming experience more if you don't play roleplaying games then.
You might want to limit your gaming to stuff like Sudoku, Asteroids, and Chess - anything without a story. Because if a game has a story, it will almost certainly be telling you something about what its creators think is good or bad.
Funny thing, too - it isn't your game, it's Bioware's game; you just happen to own a copy. And perhaps Bioware wouldn't be interested in you attempting to tell them what is good or bad in their game, in the moral sense.
If you are able to access the console, this will solve your problem with Reputation:
Merry Christmas
"You will probably enjoy your gaming experience more if you don't play roleplaying games then"
I am from this dumb generation X or whatever they call them addicted to video games.
We don't even have a lead in the alphabet like A and we are called by the last members in the alphabet X, Y, or Z
I forgot to mention a bit of script that will restore your Archer's class abilities (again, I know that's only useful if you're playing on a platform that lets you use the console):
Note that it also raises your Reputation to 10 if it's less than that, but if you want then you can lower it again with the other bit of script I mentioned in my previous post.
For what it's worth, I do think it's a shame that if a player just wants to play a character that's very good at using bows and crossbows, they have to accept the Ranger baggage that comes with it.
If you use mods, I can point you towards a couple that can get around the things you've mentioned that irritate you.
"Question jmerry. If I use wand in the round can I immediately follow with a spell or do I have to wait end of round after using the wand ? "
I just tested it. I have a mod which displays round end and start. The answer is negative. Using a wand counts as full cast and I have to wait end of round to cast a memorized spell
Casting a spell counts as a magic action, but also using a potion, a wand, a scroll or the charges of an item are magic actions, so you can do only one of them each round. The only exception is to cast spells from the memorized ones under IA.
The number of physical attacks is determined by your apr and can be increased by items or haste, it tops at 5 (10 with Improved haste or WW-GWW).
If after the magic action and physical attacks there is still some unused time in the round you can move.
So each round you have to chose if is better to cast, use a wand or maybe a potion to heal yourself then, if some time is left, you can use it to attack and/or relocate.