Theory: Alhoon anad the Hidden were having a Shadow War against Firkraag, and the latter was winning

Firkraag had a noble alter-ego, which means he was embedded into the courts of the nation. It's quite easy to imagine that in their quest to bring all noble houses under their control, the hidden accidentally stumbled on Firkraag. Naturally, once both became aware of each other, things got kicked into motion.
The Hidden, under command of an Alhoon, arranged for a lucrative marriage between Roenalls, a thrall noblehouse, and De'arnise, a house on outskirts of Amn hence free from Illithid meddling. The idea was to expand their influence. Firkraag, being a noble and all that, most likely came to be aware of such arrangement, instantly figured out what Illithid were trying to do and sent his Troll Army to seize the keep by force. Think about it, who else could be "Stronger" than a giant Alpha Troll besides a Gigantic Red Dragon - he probably could manhandle a troll like some squicky toy of he so desired; if I was Tor'Gal, a Red Dragon would definetly be "Stronger" in my book.
This would also explain the presence of Yuan-Ti. They've showcased willingness to work with reptile-adjacent beings like the Marilith demonsnake woman in Icewind Dale 1. And Fierkraag did show that he had a broad repertoire of different kinds of minions, he probably collected them like Pokemon tbh, so having a few Yuan-ti his army would make sense.
And finally, the Githyanki we see in the hidden quest (Jan Jansen) imply that they're aware of Illithid. Question is, how did they find out? Did someone perhaps tip them of? My theory is that it was Firkraag. The reason to this is simple, Githyanki have an alliance with Red Dragons as per agreement with their goddess Tiamat. This would imply that Firkraag, a Red Dragon, would have means to tap into that alliance. He probably didn't even need to say much since Githyanki hate Illithid pretty much religiously:
Firkraag: "Hey guys, there are some Illithid in Athka-"
Githyanki: "Say no more, we're coming!"
This would explain why one of his minions had a key in to Illithid hideout. The Githyanki tracked their hideout and then reported back to Firkraag who started working on amassing a large enough force to kick the Illithid out what he thinks is his city. Perhaps the dwarven vanguard in sewers are under his command and was on standby until Firkraag manages to smuggle in more of his troops. All in all, it seems that ultimately Firkraag everything under control proving himself to be quite an impressive Chessmaster.
(Under "relationships": lore on alliance between Githyanki and Tiamat/Red Dragons)
The Hidden, under command of an Alhoon, arranged for a lucrative marriage between Roenalls, a thrall noblehouse, and De'arnise, a house on outskirts of Amn hence free from Illithid meddling. The idea was to expand their influence. Firkraag, being a noble and all that, most likely came to be aware of such arrangement, instantly figured out what Illithid were trying to do and sent his Troll Army to seize the keep by force. Think about it, who else could be "Stronger" than a giant Alpha Troll besides a Gigantic Red Dragon - he probably could manhandle a troll like some squicky toy of he so desired; if I was Tor'Gal, a Red Dragon would definetly be "Stronger" in my book.
This would also explain the presence of Yuan-Ti. They've showcased willingness to work with reptile-adjacent beings like the Marilith demonsnake woman in Icewind Dale 1. And Fierkraag did show that he had a broad repertoire of different kinds of minions, he probably collected them like Pokemon tbh, so having a few Yuan-ti his army would make sense.
And finally, the Githyanki we see in the hidden quest (Jan Jansen) imply that they're aware of Illithid. Question is, how did they find out? Did someone perhaps tip them of? My theory is that it was Firkraag. The reason to this is simple, Githyanki have an alliance with Red Dragons as per agreement with their goddess Tiamat. This would imply that Firkraag, a Red Dragon, would have means to tap into that alliance. He probably didn't even need to say much since Githyanki hate Illithid pretty much religiously:
Firkraag: "Hey guys, there are some Illithid in Athka-"
Githyanki: "Say no more, we're coming!"
This would explain why one of his minions had a key in to Illithid hideout. The Githyanki tracked their hideout and then reported back to Firkraag who started working on amassing a large enough force to kick the Illithid out what he thinks is his city. Perhaps the dwarven vanguard in sewers are under his command and was on standby until Firkraag manages to smuggle in more of his troops. All in all, it seems that ultimately Firkraag everything under control proving himself to be quite an impressive Chessmaster.
(Under "relationships": lore on alliance between Githyanki and Tiamat/Red Dragons)