Something strange I remembered when teleporting back to inaccessible areas

Bear with me because I don't remember which area exactly as its been awhile, but I think it was the Coast Way Crossing, but could be wrong.
One day out of curiosity I teleported back to this place or maybe some other and I encountered a NPC that was not there before with unique dialog, said NPC cannot be encountered normally unless you Area Teleported back to this place.
if anyone knows what I'm talking about it that would be appreciated.
I'm curious to know what other oddities could have been in this game that is just not easily noticed?
One day out of curiosity I teleported back to this place or maybe some other and I encountered a NPC that was not there before with unique dialog, said NPC cannot be encountered normally unless you Area Teleported back to this place.
if anyone knows what I'm talking about it that would be appreciated.
I'm curious to know what other oddities could have been in this game that is just not easily noticed?