The Earliest Mods created for Baldur's Gate?

It was something I was thinking about tonight, but how far back was BG modding? Darkside of the Sword Coast was one of the earliest back in June of the year 2000, but could there be other mods older than that?
The original release of BG1 was back in December 1998, so that leaves a one & a half year gap.
The original release of BG1 was back in December 1998, so that leaves a one & a half year gap.
This is supported by a few things:
I also believe that DSotSC was made possible via the /override/ folder created by the Tales of the Sword Coast patch, which came out in April 1999, making it only about 14 months rather than 18. Looking at the patch notes from TotSC and the contents of that /override/ folder of a freshly patched install let people figure out which bytes corresponded to specific changes.
As for the history of TeamBG, the people behind the original DSotSC, you might also want to check out this "Snippets of Modding History" recollection by first-class raconteur JCompton:,25460.0.html