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Is Limited Wish worth it on a sorcerer?

Title, basically. (Sorry if it seems like a low effort post, but I'm not sure what else I could say to give it more context)


  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    Having a high WIS might make it more useful…probably 13 or above would do it.
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 63
    Depends on your playstyle but I think moderkainen sword, project image, finger of death, khelben whip/ruby ray, spell sequencer, mass invi or delayed fireball are better options.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,940
    The spells I took in my fire-themed run (dragon disciple protagonist):
    - (Free) Spell Sequencer as an innate, from a component of SCS.
    - (L14) Project Image. Cast all your best spells even more. And once you get Wish, you'll never need to rest again.
    - (L15) Spell Turning. My standard defense against targeted spells, when a tough spellcaster encounter comes up.
    - (L17) Delayed Blast Fireball. Because fire.
    - (L22) Mordenkainen's Sword. The best tank summon - immune to physical damage, elemental damage, and psionics.
    - (L31) Mass Invisibility. For a spell I took at the very last level, something I got a lot of use out of. Standard party buff for tough encounters. Before that level, it was my other mage that cast the spell.

    Limited Wish is a decent spell once you have enough WIS for the repeatable options (10 for healing, 16 for restoring spell slots, 12 for protection against low-level spells, 10 for protection against level drain). And a choice of several situational options does play well with sorcerer mechanics. But there are a lot of good options at spell level 7 that you might take over it.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    When I used it in BP2 yesterday, Djinni gave me a good armor, 2000 GP (+gems) and also offered a fight with 3 golems for a good quantity of XP. These are 1 time wishes. 😎
  • wildernesswoodelfwildernesswoodelf Member Posts: 28
    I should mention my main char has 18 WIS. Start with 15 in BG1 and got 3 tomes of understanding. Also got Neera in the party who memorized it (for Nahal's)
    Was just thinking whether or not the "repeatable" wishes are worth repeating..
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