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IWD 1 EE: how to remove XP cap? Is there a magic hand at the 2 950 000 level?

Hello, I have the steam edition of IWD 1 EE, including HoW and ToLM. I played thru the ToLM and suddenly noticed that noboday levels up. My berserk fighters stick to the 2 950 000 level. First I fight some enemies, then get some extra XP added e.g. 250 for a small enemy => 2 950 250. I quicksave the game but after reloading it, the extra 250 are gone and my fighters still have exactly 2 950 000 XP. I downloaded before several files from this site:

I even opened the files with notepad:

Xplevel.2DA and XPCAP.2DA but nothing helps, the "magic hand?" still prevents my fighters from ascension. Some mechanism resets all extra XP after quick load a quick saved game. Same behaviour if I save normally from the menu.

Please help me to resolve the issue?

I have tried to disable or to enable the save games option on Steam Cloud but this doesn't help.

Here are the contents of the tables:

2DA V1.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
MAGE 0 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 60000 90000 135000 250000 375000 750000 1125000 1500000 1875000 2250000 2625000 3000000 3375000 3750000 4125000 4500000 4875000 5250000 5625000 6000000 6375000 6750000 7125000 7500000 7875000 8250000 8625000 9000000 9375000 9750000 10125000 10500000 10875000 11250000

FIGHTER 0 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000 125000 250000 500000 750000 1000000 1250000 1500000 1750000 2000000 2250000 2500000 2750000 3000000 3250000 3500000 3750000 4000000 4250000 4500000 4750000 5000000 5250000 5500000 5750000 6000000 6250000 6500000 6750000 7000000 7250000 7500000 7750000 8000000

PALADIN 0 2250 4500 9000 18000 36000 75000 150000 300000 600000 900000 1200000 1500000 1800000 2100000 2400000 2700000 3000000 3300000 3600000 3900000 4200000 4500000 4800000 5100000 5400000 5700000 6000000 6300000 6600000 6900000 7200000 7500000 7800000 8100000 8400000 8700000 9000000 9300000 9600000

RANGER 0 2250 4500 9000 18000 36000 75000 150000 300000 600000 900000 1200000 1500000 1800000 2100000 2400000 2700000 3000000 3300000 3600000 3900000 4200000 4500000 4800000 5100000 5400000 5700000 6000000 6300000 6600000 6900000 7200000 7500000 7800000 8100000 8400000 8700000 9000000 9300000 9600000

CLERIC 0 1500 3000 6000 13000 27500 55000 110000 225000 250000 675000 900000 1125000 1350000 1575000 1800000 2025000 2250000 2475000 2700000 2925000 3150000 3375000 3600000 3825000 4050000 4275000 4500000 4725000 4950000 5175000 5400000 5625000 5850000 6075000 6300000 6525000 6750000 6975000 7200000

DRUID 0 2000 4000 7500 12500 20000 35000 60000 90000 125000 200000 300000 750000 1500000 3000000 3500000 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 9500000 10000000 10500000 11000000 11500000 12000000

THIEF 0 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 70000 110000 160000 220000 440000 660000 880000 1100000 1320000 1540000 1760000 1980000 2200000 2420000 2640000 2860000 3080000 3300000 3520000 3740000 3960000 4180000 4400000 4620000 4840000 5060000 5280000 5500000 5720000 5940000 6160000 6380000 6600000

BARD 0 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 70000 110000 160000 220000 440000 660000 880000 1100000 1320000 1540000 1760000 1980000 2200000 2420000 2640000 2860000 3080000 3300000 3520000 3740000 3960000 4180000 4400000 4620000 4840000 5060000 5280000 5500000 5720000 5940000 6160000 6380000 6600000

SORCERER 0 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 60000 90000 135000 250000 375000 750000 1125000 1500000 1875000 2250000 2625000 3000000 3375000 3750000 4125000 4500000 4875000 5250000 5625000 6000000 6375000 6750000 7125000 7500000 7875000 8250000 8625000 9000000 9375000 9750000 10125000 10500000 10875000 11250000

WIZARD 0 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 60000 90000 135000 250000 375000 750000 1125000 1500000 1875000 2250000 2625000 3000000 3375000 3750000 4125000 4500000 4875000 5250000 5625000 6000000 6375000 6750000 7125000 7500000 7875000 8250000 8625000 9000000 9375000 9750000 10125000 10500000 10875000 11250000


2DA V1.0
MAGE 40000000
FIGHTER 40000000
CLERIC 40000000
THIEF 40000000
BARD 40000000
PALADIN 40000000
DRUID 40000000
RANGER 40000000
MAGE_THIEF 40000000
CLERIC_MAGE 40000000
SORCERER 40000000
WIZARD 40000000


  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 811
    Strange, normally there is no XP cap in IWD:EE, only level 30 cap. 👈
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,500
    It looks like the files you installed from the provided link don't work correctly on your game. They were made for original IWD and are most likely incompatible with IWDEE. Unmodified IWDEE allows you to level up until level 30, even for multiclass characters.

    If you want to level up even further then I'd recommend to install the "Remove experience cap" component from Tweaks Anthology instead.
  • ElliottElliott Member Posts: 10
    well, I downloaded and istalled cdtweaksv16, but it doesn't change the behaviour, my fighters still remain at 2 950 000 xp level. What is interesting: when I open the save with EEKeeper, it shows me the extra 250, this means 2 950 250 instead of 2950 000. There must be a hidden bug. Now I try to install iwdfixv10, but it tells me, I have to uninstall the previous cdtweaksv16. I loaded a very early save game from chapter 1 and there I have no bugs. I can beat enemies, gather some XP and after saving and reloading the new XPs are still there.

    Maybe I messed up the game somehow, because I edited several times the save games with EE Keepeer. But I have never added extra XP. I observe the new bug even in earlier save games I made before starting HoW or ToLM: they all are infested with 2 950 000 on all my fighters regardless whether they are level 20 or 26. Before I started ToLM I levelled a lot in the cave with the Ice Golems, where you get 14 000 XP per killed ice golem. But then I have never noticed any issue in the XP advance....
  • ElliottElliott Member Posts: 10
    I deinstalled the cdtweaksv16.exe but I cannot install iwdfixv10.exe as it still tolds me, that there are found several files from cdtweaks :-/

    Shall I deinstall the entire IWD 1 EE and reainstall it from Steam?
  • ElliottElliott Member Posts: 10
    OK, I have found a solution by pure coincidence. I have emptyed the override folder by removing all .2da files to another folder called OLD. Now my fighters keep the new gained XP and have 2 950 700 for instance. But I still wonder what happened. My first fighter has Level 26 and the other two only 21. I levelled a lot individually with the first fighter and my main charakter, a sorcerer in the ice cave in HoW near the dwarf, who gives you the ice blade sword if you have a dwarf charakter in your party and help him. Well, I will have to adjust all my party member XP as their XP levels don't match the real levels: 26, 21, 21 for the 3 half-orc bersercs, 15 / 15 fighter druid half elf (Jaheira :-), my 15 / 19 mage thief half elf (Imoen :-) and last but not least my 21 sorcerer.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    The XP cap is not in XPCAP.2DA. Or, at least, that file isn't the whole story. It defines a cap for each class, but there's also a global cap for the campaign. And that's in STARTARE.2DA, or equivalents for alternate campaigns (startbp and sodstrta in the BG(EE) series, for example).

    Experience beyond the campaign cap is tracked, but can't be used to level up. Depending on engine, it may or may not go away when you load a save; it does in BGEE but not BG2EE, and I don't know for IWDEE.
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