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Rotate Area via script

Can you rotate an area via scripting? I don't see a function for it.


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    I don't think there's a function.

    Out of interest, why would you want to do that?

    90 degree rotations could be achieved by making four copies in the toolset, each facing a different compass point. Then, to change the apparent orientation, you'd have to change all area transition targets to the new area, and copy the curent state of all objects.

    Creatures can simply jump to the new area, of course.
  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 183
    My current module idea is going to generate a random map in a grid from a bank of areas. Depending on how an area is built, it only makes sense in a certain position (e.g. NW corner vs. SW corner, left edge vs. top edge, etc). I just didn't want to have to make four copies of each area in the toolset if I could get away with one and then use scripting to make the others. Especially since the module will only ever use one of the four copies at a time (so there aren't repeated areas within the grid).
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