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In Chapter 6, Aran Linvail sends me back to Spellhold.

I am having this problem:

From Reddit:

BG2:EE game breaking bug in chapter 6, help anyone?

so, I got hit by nostalgia wave and decided to play BG2 again and it was all working (mostly) fine until I got out from Underdark and started chapter 6

at first it looked fine, I talked to Drizzit, he agreed to help and then I went to spent money at adventurer's mart and the special items dialogue did not trigger

I thought ok, maybe there is some weird issue and went to talk to Aran Linvail and got send back to Spellhold, chapter 4 started again and my journal was showing that I am in "chapter 7"

I reloaded and started checking things, and:

- there is no bodhi in graveyard (I can just walk through her lair, is completely empty)

- aran thinks we are still in chapter 3

- the prelate of the knights won't talk to me beyond "hi"

- no special items from Ribald

some parts work (like the encounter with Kruin about silver blade and the forest areas are also available), but I cannot continue the main story, so...

I already checked my global variables (chapter is set properly to 6); tried to shift through EEKeeper NearInfinity, but no dice

I do have some mods (EEUITweeks mostly)

anyone has any ideas?


  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    I have no clue what's gone wrong here.. for the infinity engine is dark and full of (t)errors.

    However.. do you have a save in the underdark you could load up test?
    Sometimes things just go wrong and are fixed by earlier reloads..

    Sometimes things can be fixed in console by setting quest stages and variables and i'm no expert at it, though i've given it a try a few times.
    I've never seen anyone recover from such a broken state as your save seems to be, without loading an earlier save.

    I think you should post your mod list, that's a good start for anyone to be able to help you.
  • CplHicks24CplHicks24 Member Posts: 9
    Good Call. Please fine my WeiDU attached.
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