Will Imoen stay in evil party?
Member Posts: 35
I play on using Dorn, Neera, Viconia, and Coran. Will this party stay together for the while game?
Only have Tiax and Montaron to choose from for evil thieves.... But Safana is Chaotic Neutral and would work well with a mostly evil party.
On the other hand, Coran will leave your party at low reputation.
Unlike other NPCs who bolt when your rep dips, though, she stays where she abandons you so if you manage to get your rep back up to 5 or better, she'll rejoin you upon request. Other npcs who bail due to alignment tend to go off-screen and therefore vanish from the face of the earth.
For evil thieves, Montaron is the early choice. Tiax can fill your thief needs but doesn't join til really late. You can either use Safana who's CN, or better yet, use the best evil thief in the game:
Shar-Teel. You need to dual her in order to do it, but you honestly don't need many levels in fighter for it to be worthwhile. You can even go all the way to level 6 as a fighter with her for the heich peas.
They've even reworked her to have proficiency in two-weapon style so once she regains her fighter levels, she can be your little ginsoo knife.
I know in BG2, she sticks with you no matter what because she's an important plot party member. Same with that one dude who shows up in Throne of Bhaal, but, you know, the other way around.
'Heya! It's me, Im...'
Very satisfying, in a darkly humorous kind of way.