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Greater Werewolf - Legacy of baal - Solo

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Yo i recently started to play baldurs gate again. I play on 3 different pc, one with mindflayer mage, one with banshee mage, and on work after hours Mage / Thief with (1 more spell per level, plague wep, shadow step, 1bonus ac/thaco/dmg each 5th level).

I do basilisk XP exploit etc and usually end BGEE with 1,3mill XP.

I always fail to kill this greater werewolf(balduran)... He just regen faster than i can put out damage... Like now my lvl 11 mage / 12 thief cannot kill him. Beamdog version he will follow you down stairs, so u can put 7 x traps and xx skulltraps and lure him into that. But on steam version he wont follow you, so hard to put up traps that way....

Even when i make him sleep with emotion hopelessness and greater malison im not able to deal damage fast enough... So after clua consoling him to death i suddenly remember that polymorph wand... Can this guy be polymorphed and killed this way? How do you guys kill him on Legacy of baal difficulty?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    A polymorph would work; it reduces his maximum HP to 5, but actually 11 (his level), becoming 22 on LoB. He still regenerates, but at that point you can kill him in one hit - your mage/thief should be able to do it with a backstab (Werebane or The Burning Earth).

    Karoug has no magic resistance, but 50% resistance to elemental damage. And more troubling, excellent saves - base saves in the 5-7 range, which become 0-2 with the LoB bonus. You need that Greater Malison to even have a chance for the polymorph to succeed.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 233
    jmerry wrote: »
    A polymorph would work; it reduces his maximum HP to 5, but actually 11 (his level), becoming 22 on LoB. He still regenerates, but at that point you can kill him in one hit - your mage/thief should be able to do it with a backstab (Werebane or The Burning Earth).

    Karoug has no magic resistance, but 50% resistance to elemental damage. And more troubling, excellent saves - base saves in the 5-7 range, which become 0-2 with the LoB bonus. You need that Greater Malison to even have a chance for the polymorph to succeed.

    Thank you :) I guess this wand will be my future wepon vs him.

    However, I soon gonna play my sirine kit. Which is not an arcane kit.
    I don't remember what base that kit has, but its either ranger or thief. It has some innate albilities, and summons itself a powerfull kiss which at high level may become deadly, and a bow which becomes stronger and stronger. It also have some earthlike stuff like webs and plantstuck etc. It has some spider summoning as well, but i noticed this guy is immune to like at least up to +1 enchantment. Actually maby all missiles... Cause i tested a +2 shortbow on my thief, with regular arrows and it had no effect.

    You have any other good way of killing this beast? My Banshee are not allowed to use wands, but it can use the lvl 4 spell instead. But none arcane kits at solo legacy of baal this is a struggle. I think i failed with a very strong selfmodified kitted werewolf even. I think wepons needs to have silver tag to make damage actually.
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