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Pocket Plane second trial bugged!

I am currently trying to work my way through the Throne of Bhaal campaign. Despite having played the OG game back in the day, this is my first attempt. The reason I never cleared it back then is because I lost interest after a game-breaking glitch. Apparently, not much has changed over the years. The entire experience has been pretty buggy, but now I am completely stuck. After beating the relevant story boss (no spoilers) I was transported back to the pocket plane and offered the second trial. When I entered the room, however...... nothing happened. No matter what I've tried, nothing will trigger it. I was disappointed, at first, but now I have reached the point of the final confrontation and find that I can't actually proceed... because I haven't passed all my trials. Meaning the second trial that won't trigger. Extremely frustrating. By this point, I don't even care about the plot any more, I just want to finish off my last 3 steam achievements, scratch this game off my bucket list and never touch ToB again. Does anyone know of any way to trigger it? I'm not even above cheating, by this point. I know I can just start a new run on story mode and console command my way to a (relatively) quick clear, but I REALLY don't want to and it'd suck to leave my current run unfinished. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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