Why does ALL of my groupmembers just stop following their customized scripts, in Chapter 3?

New here, but been playing Baldurs Gate since its release about 25 years ago.
Anyways. WHY the hell, is it the 2nd time I truly enjoy another few weeks with BG, just to see my groupmembers, stop following their customized (and still active) scripts??! Both times during chapter 3...and 5. Its their almost intelligent flow that lets me enjoy my adhd-medicated multi tasking these days.
(This time it happened JUST after finnishing "The Cult of the Eyeless")
Can someone please explain to me, like Im a 6 year old - with suspected autism?
Sincerely, J
New here, but been playing Baldurs Gate since its release about 25 years ago.
Anyways. WHY the hell, is it the 2nd time I truly enjoy another few weeks with BG, just to see my groupmembers, stop following their customized (and still active) scripts??! Both times during chapter 3...and 5. Its their almost intelligent flow that lets me enjoy my adhd-medicated multi tasking these days.
(This time it happened JUST after finnishing "The Cult of the Eyeless")
Can someone please explain to me, like Im a 6 year old - with suspected autism?
Sincerely, J
Other scripts, like the override scripts for recruited NPCs that control their questts and interactions, the global script that always runs, area scripts, and scripts belonging to creatures outside the party, are not affected.
Thank you. I just got 5 years older, mentally.