Bull and the Slaves

My next Icewind Dale run with another new team. This will be different on a couple counts, first this team mostly doesn’t know each other at the start (obviously, no actual game play difference in this! But a little difference in how I look at the team.) And second, I’d add this is a first for me; no Paladins! Say it ain’t so! Seriously I don’t believe I’ve ever run a team in IWD with no Paladins before, although there will still be plenty of sweet and sappy goodness to go around…
This story starts with Bull. Bull is a big man, a strong beast of a Warrior. About 20 years ago, as a young man, Bull tried his hand at adventuring. He’d heard it was a great way to learn the trade, and make some money. But Bull mostly discovered he disliked adventuring. He couldn’t get over sleeping on the hard ground under the stars, and eating who knows what. So Bull decided maybe the soldering life, in a Castle, would suit him better. And it did, very much so. Bull is a skilled Fighter, ferocious with a Battle Axe. And he’s even tempered, even gentle with a boisterous sense of humor. Which all worked well when a Count with lands south of Neverwinter was looking to hire more troops. The Count proved to be a good man who sought to protect his people and their land. Bull was a good fighter and a good soldier, he learned to become a good leader and rose in position over the years. Master Sergeant responsible for all the troops in garrison at the count’s main castle within 10 years. And on the occasional campaign, a Sergeant gets a tent with a cot.
Five years ago, the Count threw a new twist at Bull. He wanted his youngest daughter Gabrella trained as a Soldier. Bull knew the young lady and had no real qualms about this. She was small; but fierce and serious minded about her responsibilities as the Count’s daughter. And she seems to get all of Bull’s jokes and responds with a shockingly hearty laugh. He worried a little about sparring with a 5’2” woman, but dang she’s quick. And a fast learner. This all went very well. Too well Bull feared sometimes. He felt like an old fool, around the beautiful young Gabby.
After a couple of brief military operations it became clear the Count had a specific purpose for Gabby, and maybe Bull too. Gabby was made an officer, second in command of the Count’s forces with Bull as senior NCO answerable only to her. Fortunately he and Gabby had become a good team, and she had a good mind for planning and command. While Bull had proven his worth as a trainer and front line leader.
Gabby herself was the next one to throw a twist at Bull. Just a year ago she informed him she was moving into the city (Neverwinter) for a year to train as a cleric at the Temple of Lathander. This wasn’t a complete shock, they’d talked enough about metaphysical stuff that Bull knew it was a passion of hers. But before he could even feel disappointed at her leaving, she said her father had approved Bull to accompany her as a bodyguard. They established a residence near the Temple, and not too long after Gabby told Bull “she didn’t think she really needed a bodyguard, but she would not be separated from him”. The following kiss clarified what she meant, and Bull could only wonder how long she’d been planning this?
Bull was very well pleased with this turn of events, and while admitting he never dared hope it was possible, he considered it only honorable to make things official and legal. Apparently, when you work at a temple, weddings can be arranged in less than a week. Bull was only a little surprised to see the Count and the rest of Gabby’s family in attendance that day. It seems everyone knew what was coming except him.
The rest of the year passed quickly and happily. When the time came to pack and head home Bull was still on top of the world. He and Gabby discussed kids and knew this was exciting for both of them. They discussed work and this got a little more confusing, but mostly for Gabby. She was unclear if she should return to her old position or look at establishing a new, permanent temple or chapel in the Castle?
And this was all upended by the major twist Bull never saw coming. On their only overnight stop of the trip home, they had tied up their horses at a frequently used Caravan Stop, just a clearing along the road. There was a group of merchants already there. They pitched camp to settle in for the night, when Bull was clubbed in the back of the head and everything went dark for a moment. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he tried to force himself up. His body wasn’t responding well. In a pained haze he could see a struggling, restrained Gabby being forced into the back of a wagon. He met her eyes briefly as he was still on all fours and she was being pushed out of sight, he prayed she knew he would follow anywhere. In no time the wagon was underway, and Bull now saw it was in convoy with all five wagons that had been stopped when they tried to set camp. It seemed his gear and horses were all gone, but those wagons weren’t moving fast, and he could follow.
Bull is a LG Human Fighter, 6th Level. High Mastery in Battle Axe. 18/94 – 11 – 18 – 11 – 14 – 15
Gabrella is the youngest daughter of a Count. She’s been smitten with Bull as long as she can remember. He’s a respected senior NCO in her father’s Castle Garrison. He’s always been gentle, kind and funny. And he treats everyone that way, not just her because she’s his boss’s daughter. When her father decided she should train as a Warrior (all her siblings had, although most had ultimately pursued other careers) she suggested only Bull should train her… and held her breath hoping she wasn’t too obvious. Her father laughed and said “of course, only the best for my girl”. And so it was, she never got any resistance for wanting to train with, and eventually work with Bull. He wasn’t of noble background, but he was clearly among the best of men.
And things went well for Gabby and Bull, although Bull seemed a little dense that her friendship and partnership was a sort of courtship. At least until they got away on their own and Gabby “explained” it to him. The rest of the year was an ideal time. It ended with Gabby being a wife and a new Cleric of Lathander.
But everything went sideways that night when setting camp. She was stunned by some sort of magic, her last sight was of someone about to take a swipe at her husband. When she came to her senses a short while later she was bound and being forced into the back of a wagon. She saw Bull trying, and failing to get to his feet. She met his eye and willed him to follow. They would find the moment for action.
She sat bound, and getting sore, bouncing around in the back of that wagon for four days. Finally coming to a stop, she was blindfolded and dragged out. She knew she was outside briefly before being dragged into a stone chamber. Someone removed her restraints and locked her in a cell. As her eyes adjusted she saw she was in a circular stone room, maybe 30 feet across with cells all around the edge and a circular open space in the middle. She also noticed she wasn’t alone. There were three other young women in the different cells. To her right was a woman about her age, looks like she might have been dressed in nice Wizard robes but they’re now shredded to indecency. To her left is a younger woman, wearing what seems to be armored underwear. Its obviously more about exaggerating her curves than any protection. Straight across is another woman in a shift like herself, she is crumpled in a heap and weeping. Gabby struggled for a moment to find her voice, then introduced herself to her companions.
Gabrella is a NG Human Fighter, 3rd level. Dualled to Cleric, 1st level. Previously dual wielded short swords, now using a mace. 15 – 19 – 16 – 14 – 18 - 18
Mornanne is the first to answer Gabrella. She’s in her mid-20s, not much older than Gabby. She explains she’s been in the cage for two days and is clearly seething with anger. She says she was captured just when leaving her lab and going out to dinner over a week ago. Gabby pushes for more details, hoping to understand the skill sets of her companions. Mornanne was an orphan from a young age, and took to thieving to support herself. By her late teens she’d become good enough, and successful enough that the Thieves’ Guild took notice and demanded their cut. There was no way she’d pay up to them, they’d been no help at all to her over the years. So she took what she’d earned and hired a mage to teach her a new business. She was good at that too, and had been supporting herself as a magic researcher for hire. But the thieves never forgave her, and she’s sure they set her up for capture. She will also report that she’s tried to use magic in the cell and it always fizzles. Some sort of suppression is in effect. Worse, she has no spellbook and cannot relearn anything she casts. Currently she still knows a single Magic Missile and a single Identify, but she needs to find her spellbook (or a new one) or she can’t relearn anything. She doesn’t think the locks on the cells are very sophisticated, but she currently has no lock picks either. She gestures to a younger woman to Gabby’s left and suggests she likely knows more.
Mornanne is a Neutral Human Thief, Level 3. Dualled to Mage, Level 4. 10 – 17 – 15 – 18 – 11 – 15
To her left Gabby watches the young woman. She is pacing her small cell while carefully posturing and posing, like she’s trying to test the limits of whatever she’s almost wearing. After a moment she introduces herself as Lacey. She explains she’s been a slave for over seven years. She was taken while on a family outing when she was 10. After she was sold she was put to work as a maid. A couple years ago it was obvious she growing to be tall and well formed, so she was sent off to train for arena fighting. She’s been in three matches so far, in a group against dogs twice. And once with three other girls against a Dire Wolf. Two of them survived that fight. When asked if she knows where they are, Lacey says you’re north of Luskan, maybe 5 miles from town. About the facility, well its for women only (the owners do not let the sexes mix!). And it’s a site for special sorts, those trained in fighting or spell use. [for having only just beat a Dire Wolf this young woman seems awfully full of herself!] Gabby suddenly has a bad thought about how this woman is dressed and pushes for details on how she fights, weapons and gear? Lacey proudly states she fights with two Long Swords, but hasn’t been allowed to wear armor yet. [Sigh of relief, Gabby was briefly afraid she was one of those “Sword Saints”. She’s heard its popular for some arena fighting, very showy style with a high mortality rate].
Lacey is a CN Human Fighter, Level 1 (but with 250 xp!). Dual wields Long Sword.
17 – 17 – 18 – 10 – 7 – 14
Directly across the room Gabby looks at the weeping woman. She’s heard that weeping on and off since being loaded on the wagon. “Excuse me, miss. I think we came in at the same time together?” The very young woman looks up, her face is swollen where she’s been struck and her eyes are wrecked from the tears. “What’s your name?” She gets to her feet, she’s tall and slim. She leans forward on the cage and says she’s called Minuette. “That’s a lovely name, I assume you were caught somewhere around Neverwinter?” Its established Minuette grew up not far from Gabby’s own home. Her parents had a shop, they lived well but were not rich. But Minuette loves music; singing, writing, and playing instruments like lute, pipes and guitar [Gabby’s never heard of that last one, must be something new]. She also loved the history and folk lore of her home region. So last year, for her 16th birthday her parents bought her tuition at a Skald school. An extravagant gift! She loved it and learned so much! She thought it would be fun to play at Inns for her food and lodging as she started heading home after graduation. After her first “professional” show she was enjoying a supper SHE had earned! But someone must have put something in her food and she got so sleepy. Next she knew, she was in that wagon bouncing hard down the road to a terrifying fate.
Gabby considers Minuette will need very careful handling. She has a useful skill set, but her confidence is shattered and she’s distraught. “I will look forward to hearing you sing.”
Minuette is a NG Human Skald, Level 1. 12 – 16 – 15 – 17 – 14 – 18
“All right ladies, between the four of us in here and my husband just outside these walls we have all the skills we need to get out of here. Is that what you all want?” Even Lacey wanted out, that’s the one she was worried about. So they started talking, Mornanne needed picks that they didn’t have. And where to go when they got out? Gabby took it as a given her husband would recon the area; but that’s only tactical. They need a strategic plan, where to go? If they were north of Luskan they’d need to go back through town to get to Neverwinter. You think you’ve been captured by commercial slavers, not the government. But that may be a meaningless distinction, travel through Luskan controlled territory would be extremely risky. Heading west is all water, and apparently none of them were sailors (Luskan is known for their Navy anyway, forget that). Maybe east to Mirabar? That’s a dwarven mining town, but last you knew they were at war with Luskan which would mean passing through a war zone. Which leaves north. Through the Spine of the World Mountains into Icewind Dale. With four city girls and a husband who hates camping. This might be a good time to pray…
You all talk for several hours. You expect after dark, Bull will make a ruckus outside and that will be time to act. But long before then, you hear your jailors at the door. They drag in yet another unfortunate young woman. She gets the same rough treatment you all did and is thrown in an empty cell. She’s a half-elf, and is wearing the underpadding from a suit of armor. That means a leather jerkin and trousers. Perhaps you’ve been gifted another warrior? After the thugs clear out you start the introductions. Vivaine was caught last week when she was alone in the mountains. She had grown up traveling the north with her tribe. She had just finished her training as an Earth Priestess (Ah! A Druid!) and was to survive on her own for a week as her final rite of passage.
So this is either an answer to prayer or a plant. You’ll have to watch Vivaine carefully. Vivaine is quite knowledgeable about travel in the north and even knows several ways to get up to the Ten Towns from here. The time of year is getting to be a problem, but if you can get to Easthaven before the Winter snows shut down travel for many months, you’ll have a safe place to plan the next stage of your journey.
“I don’t suppose you have lock picks?”
Vivaine does not. But after a few minutes of discussion, she offers up a leather patching kit that was still hidden in an interior pocket of the jerkin. It includes two long, steel needles. The needles are passed to Mornanne, who declares immediately she can open these locks quite easily now. Although the outer door is surely barred?
Vivaine is a NG Half-Elven Fighter/Druid, Level 1/1. Short Bow and Scimitar Specialist.
15 – 18 – 16 – 12 – 16 – 15
Much later that night, Gabby and the crew are trying to stay awake waiting for some sign its time to go. Lacey was getting Minuette worried if anyone was actually outside to help them. There comes a loud uproar, a dog fight? The sound of angry barking, growling, yapping from outside. Gabby says “Mornanne, get us out!” This was quickly accomplished. Gabby asks Lacey to help with a bench they can use as a battering ram on the outer door. But Mornanne is standing there and snickers, “the door opens in”. Not even locked. But there is a bar about 4’ up. “I guess this was a government operation!”
They head into a short hall with a couple doors, and can hear fighting just outside. “Lacey and Vivaine, make sure those guard posts near the door are clear. Open the door if you hear a yell for me!”
“Mornanne, Minuette help me find a store room.” First door on the left is a large closet, they find fur cloaks, boots, some padded clubs and an old crossbow with no bolts. “Everyone get bundled up, I need to get my husband.”
Gabby hears a large crash against the outer door as she approaches. She opens up and Bull is standing there about to hurl an unconscious (or dead) guard against the door again. After an enthusiastic reunion Gabby explains she has a crew ready to go. Bull offers that the immediate vicinity is now clear, but the guards live in a barracks less than two miles down the road through the woods and they all need to get moving. They’ve likely been heard. He has a path through the woods, almost three miles until they have to cross a road. Its probably the most low profile way to get some distance.
“How did you get those dogs to bark on command?” “Wolves. I picked a fight with a pack and threw the alpha against the blockhouse wall. Then grabbed a smaller one and threw it at the Alpha. None of them liked that much.” “Is that why it looks like you’ve been bit about six times?” “Yeah, it stings. But it made a heck of a racket and drew all the guards outside!”
They travel the rest of the night and all the next day. Working their way north through the woods. When they finally set camp everyone is exhausted. Gabby and Vivaine have completely healed Bull of his injuries from the escape. They make a small fire, much needed for some warmth. And Minuette starts to sing, a beautiful but sad lament. A familiar story of loss, danger and uncertainty. She’s crying again by the time she finishes and everyone feels deeply moved. “I uh, composed that while we were walking.”
Gabby is the first to find her voice, “thank you Minuette, I think you’ll help us all stay sane.”
During their trek Gabby decides Vivaine is trustworthy, and a solid asset for the group. Mornanne is not overtly friendly, but competent and cooperative. Minuette seems to have rallied since that night singing at the fire, she’s pleasant and good company. Lacey is strong and hearty, but inexperienced and unlikable (busty and lusty seems like a good description!).
Three weeks later they make their way into Easthaven, one of the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale. And the real story begins…
When gaming meets fan fiction! That got a little involved, much more than my previous write ups. It was a bit of a challenge to introduce the characters AND introduce them to each other. And then come up with a reason for a ragtag crew to be fleeing north into Icewind Dale. And the whole escape from slavers part seemed a little black boxy for a while, so I knew I needed to tell that story. There’s some inconsistency on narrative voice, it starts in third person then shifts to Gabby’s perspective. In my mind, Gabby is the main character in spite of Bull’s story leading things off.
I did spend a fair amount of time with a map of the Forgotten Realms and reading information at the Forgotten Realms Wiki. But even so, I don’t really know a lot about the politics, history and culture. I just made up a lot of it. But Luskan seems to be a pretty unsavory place, Mirabar is better but apparently there often is tension with Luskan. So I made up a war to make that way hazardous.
I’m sure many here have heard of players doing a “poverty run”? That’s not what I’m doing, but this will be sort of a poverty start. I figure Bull had scrounged up a couple hundred gold from the soldiers he destroyed. But first thing they’ll need to do at Pomab’s shop is buy a couple of traveling spell books. All the IE games abstract this thing to an interface tab, but it is mentioned in 2E rules. It’s a moderately expensive thing every Mage needs for recording their spells, so they can relearn them each day. And although the party mage is starting at 4th level, she’ll only have the two spells she’d been able to remember to put in her new, blank spell book. Functionally she won’t be much better off than a 1st level mage. At first.
But I’m thinking this means the party will have 20 gold total, available at the start. Bull has scavenged a suit of leather armor, a medium shield and a battle axe. Lacey took two long swords off of dead guards. And they liberated a half dozen quarter staves and a light crossbow (without bolts) on their way out. That will leave the party with very little money when they get into Easthaven. There is treasure to be had in town, so I figure they’ll at least have weapons for everyone before they head off to the Orc caves. And maybe some armor for all the warriors before they head to Kuldahar. After that, things should rapidly get more normal.
I’ll also mention this doesn’t look like a very strong party to me. Well, except for Bull. He may dominate for a while. But we’ll see. I will post some updates with how they’re doing as I go. And I expect I’ll have an epilogue when the time comes.
This story starts with Bull. Bull is a big man, a strong beast of a Warrior. About 20 years ago, as a young man, Bull tried his hand at adventuring. He’d heard it was a great way to learn the trade, and make some money. But Bull mostly discovered he disliked adventuring. He couldn’t get over sleeping on the hard ground under the stars, and eating who knows what. So Bull decided maybe the soldering life, in a Castle, would suit him better. And it did, very much so. Bull is a skilled Fighter, ferocious with a Battle Axe. And he’s even tempered, even gentle with a boisterous sense of humor. Which all worked well when a Count with lands south of Neverwinter was looking to hire more troops. The Count proved to be a good man who sought to protect his people and their land. Bull was a good fighter and a good soldier, he learned to become a good leader and rose in position over the years. Master Sergeant responsible for all the troops in garrison at the count’s main castle within 10 years. And on the occasional campaign, a Sergeant gets a tent with a cot.
Five years ago, the Count threw a new twist at Bull. He wanted his youngest daughter Gabrella trained as a Soldier. Bull knew the young lady and had no real qualms about this. She was small; but fierce and serious minded about her responsibilities as the Count’s daughter. And she seems to get all of Bull’s jokes and responds with a shockingly hearty laugh. He worried a little about sparring with a 5’2” woman, but dang she’s quick. And a fast learner. This all went very well. Too well Bull feared sometimes. He felt like an old fool, around the beautiful young Gabby.
After a couple of brief military operations it became clear the Count had a specific purpose for Gabby, and maybe Bull too. Gabby was made an officer, second in command of the Count’s forces with Bull as senior NCO answerable only to her. Fortunately he and Gabby had become a good team, and she had a good mind for planning and command. While Bull had proven his worth as a trainer and front line leader.
Gabby herself was the next one to throw a twist at Bull. Just a year ago she informed him she was moving into the city (Neverwinter) for a year to train as a cleric at the Temple of Lathander. This wasn’t a complete shock, they’d talked enough about metaphysical stuff that Bull knew it was a passion of hers. But before he could even feel disappointed at her leaving, she said her father had approved Bull to accompany her as a bodyguard. They established a residence near the Temple, and not too long after Gabby told Bull “she didn’t think she really needed a bodyguard, but she would not be separated from him”. The following kiss clarified what she meant, and Bull could only wonder how long she’d been planning this?
Bull was very well pleased with this turn of events, and while admitting he never dared hope it was possible, he considered it only honorable to make things official and legal. Apparently, when you work at a temple, weddings can be arranged in less than a week. Bull was only a little surprised to see the Count and the rest of Gabby’s family in attendance that day. It seems everyone knew what was coming except him.
The rest of the year passed quickly and happily. When the time came to pack and head home Bull was still on top of the world. He and Gabby discussed kids and knew this was exciting for both of them. They discussed work and this got a little more confusing, but mostly for Gabby. She was unclear if she should return to her old position or look at establishing a new, permanent temple or chapel in the Castle?
And this was all upended by the major twist Bull never saw coming. On their only overnight stop of the trip home, they had tied up their horses at a frequently used Caravan Stop, just a clearing along the road. There was a group of merchants already there. They pitched camp to settle in for the night, when Bull was clubbed in the back of the head and everything went dark for a moment. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he tried to force himself up. His body wasn’t responding well. In a pained haze he could see a struggling, restrained Gabby being forced into the back of a wagon. He met her eyes briefly as he was still on all fours and she was being pushed out of sight, he prayed she knew he would follow anywhere. In no time the wagon was underway, and Bull now saw it was in convoy with all five wagons that had been stopped when they tried to set camp. It seemed his gear and horses were all gone, but those wagons weren’t moving fast, and he could follow.
Bull is a LG Human Fighter, 6th Level. High Mastery in Battle Axe. 18/94 – 11 – 18 – 11 – 14 – 15
Gabrella is the youngest daughter of a Count. She’s been smitten with Bull as long as she can remember. He’s a respected senior NCO in her father’s Castle Garrison. He’s always been gentle, kind and funny. And he treats everyone that way, not just her because she’s his boss’s daughter. When her father decided she should train as a Warrior (all her siblings had, although most had ultimately pursued other careers) she suggested only Bull should train her… and held her breath hoping she wasn’t too obvious. Her father laughed and said “of course, only the best for my girl”. And so it was, she never got any resistance for wanting to train with, and eventually work with Bull. He wasn’t of noble background, but he was clearly among the best of men.
And things went well for Gabby and Bull, although Bull seemed a little dense that her friendship and partnership was a sort of courtship. At least until they got away on their own and Gabby “explained” it to him. The rest of the year was an ideal time. It ended with Gabby being a wife and a new Cleric of Lathander.
But everything went sideways that night when setting camp. She was stunned by some sort of magic, her last sight was of someone about to take a swipe at her husband. When she came to her senses a short while later she was bound and being forced into the back of a wagon. She saw Bull trying, and failing to get to his feet. She met his eye and willed him to follow. They would find the moment for action.
She sat bound, and getting sore, bouncing around in the back of that wagon for four days. Finally coming to a stop, she was blindfolded and dragged out. She knew she was outside briefly before being dragged into a stone chamber. Someone removed her restraints and locked her in a cell. As her eyes adjusted she saw she was in a circular stone room, maybe 30 feet across with cells all around the edge and a circular open space in the middle. She also noticed she wasn’t alone. There were three other young women in the different cells. To her right was a woman about her age, looks like she might have been dressed in nice Wizard robes but they’re now shredded to indecency. To her left is a younger woman, wearing what seems to be armored underwear. Its obviously more about exaggerating her curves than any protection. Straight across is another woman in a shift like herself, she is crumpled in a heap and weeping. Gabby struggled for a moment to find her voice, then introduced herself to her companions.
Gabrella is a NG Human Fighter, 3rd level. Dualled to Cleric, 1st level. Previously dual wielded short swords, now using a mace. 15 – 19 – 16 – 14 – 18 - 18
Mornanne is the first to answer Gabrella. She’s in her mid-20s, not much older than Gabby. She explains she’s been in the cage for two days and is clearly seething with anger. She says she was captured just when leaving her lab and going out to dinner over a week ago. Gabby pushes for more details, hoping to understand the skill sets of her companions. Mornanne was an orphan from a young age, and took to thieving to support herself. By her late teens she’d become good enough, and successful enough that the Thieves’ Guild took notice and demanded their cut. There was no way she’d pay up to them, they’d been no help at all to her over the years. So she took what she’d earned and hired a mage to teach her a new business. She was good at that too, and had been supporting herself as a magic researcher for hire. But the thieves never forgave her, and she’s sure they set her up for capture. She will also report that she’s tried to use magic in the cell and it always fizzles. Some sort of suppression is in effect. Worse, she has no spellbook and cannot relearn anything she casts. Currently she still knows a single Magic Missile and a single Identify, but she needs to find her spellbook (or a new one) or she can’t relearn anything. She doesn’t think the locks on the cells are very sophisticated, but she currently has no lock picks either. She gestures to a younger woman to Gabby’s left and suggests she likely knows more.
Mornanne is a Neutral Human Thief, Level 3. Dualled to Mage, Level 4. 10 – 17 – 15 – 18 – 11 – 15
To her left Gabby watches the young woman. She is pacing her small cell while carefully posturing and posing, like she’s trying to test the limits of whatever she’s almost wearing. After a moment she introduces herself as Lacey. She explains she’s been a slave for over seven years. She was taken while on a family outing when she was 10. After she was sold she was put to work as a maid. A couple years ago it was obvious she growing to be tall and well formed, so she was sent off to train for arena fighting. She’s been in three matches so far, in a group against dogs twice. And once with three other girls against a Dire Wolf. Two of them survived that fight. When asked if she knows where they are, Lacey says you’re north of Luskan, maybe 5 miles from town. About the facility, well its for women only (the owners do not let the sexes mix!). And it’s a site for special sorts, those trained in fighting or spell use. [for having only just beat a Dire Wolf this young woman seems awfully full of herself!] Gabby suddenly has a bad thought about how this woman is dressed and pushes for details on how she fights, weapons and gear? Lacey proudly states she fights with two Long Swords, but hasn’t been allowed to wear armor yet. [Sigh of relief, Gabby was briefly afraid she was one of those “Sword Saints”. She’s heard its popular for some arena fighting, very showy style with a high mortality rate].
Lacey is a CN Human Fighter, Level 1 (but with 250 xp!). Dual wields Long Sword.
17 – 17 – 18 – 10 – 7 – 14
Directly across the room Gabby looks at the weeping woman. She’s heard that weeping on and off since being loaded on the wagon. “Excuse me, miss. I think we came in at the same time together?” The very young woman looks up, her face is swollen where she’s been struck and her eyes are wrecked from the tears. “What’s your name?” She gets to her feet, she’s tall and slim. She leans forward on the cage and says she’s called Minuette. “That’s a lovely name, I assume you were caught somewhere around Neverwinter?” Its established Minuette grew up not far from Gabby’s own home. Her parents had a shop, they lived well but were not rich. But Minuette loves music; singing, writing, and playing instruments like lute, pipes and guitar [Gabby’s never heard of that last one, must be something new]. She also loved the history and folk lore of her home region. So last year, for her 16th birthday her parents bought her tuition at a Skald school. An extravagant gift! She loved it and learned so much! She thought it would be fun to play at Inns for her food and lodging as she started heading home after graduation. After her first “professional” show she was enjoying a supper SHE had earned! But someone must have put something in her food and she got so sleepy. Next she knew, she was in that wagon bouncing hard down the road to a terrifying fate.
Gabby considers Minuette will need very careful handling. She has a useful skill set, but her confidence is shattered and she’s distraught. “I will look forward to hearing you sing.”
Minuette is a NG Human Skald, Level 1. 12 – 16 – 15 – 17 – 14 – 18
“All right ladies, between the four of us in here and my husband just outside these walls we have all the skills we need to get out of here. Is that what you all want?” Even Lacey wanted out, that’s the one she was worried about. So they started talking, Mornanne needed picks that they didn’t have. And where to go when they got out? Gabby took it as a given her husband would recon the area; but that’s only tactical. They need a strategic plan, where to go? If they were north of Luskan they’d need to go back through town to get to Neverwinter. You think you’ve been captured by commercial slavers, not the government. But that may be a meaningless distinction, travel through Luskan controlled territory would be extremely risky. Heading west is all water, and apparently none of them were sailors (Luskan is known for their Navy anyway, forget that). Maybe east to Mirabar? That’s a dwarven mining town, but last you knew they were at war with Luskan which would mean passing through a war zone. Which leaves north. Through the Spine of the World Mountains into Icewind Dale. With four city girls and a husband who hates camping. This might be a good time to pray…
You all talk for several hours. You expect after dark, Bull will make a ruckus outside and that will be time to act. But long before then, you hear your jailors at the door. They drag in yet another unfortunate young woman. She gets the same rough treatment you all did and is thrown in an empty cell. She’s a half-elf, and is wearing the underpadding from a suit of armor. That means a leather jerkin and trousers. Perhaps you’ve been gifted another warrior? After the thugs clear out you start the introductions. Vivaine was caught last week when she was alone in the mountains. She had grown up traveling the north with her tribe. She had just finished her training as an Earth Priestess (Ah! A Druid!) and was to survive on her own for a week as her final rite of passage.
So this is either an answer to prayer or a plant. You’ll have to watch Vivaine carefully. Vivaine is quite knowledgeable about travel in the north and even knows several ways to get up to the Ten Towns from here. The time of year is getting to be a problem, but if you can get to Easthaven before the Winter snows shut down travel for many months, you’ll have a safe place to plan the next stage of your journey.
“I don’t suppose you have lock picks?”
Vivaine does not. But after a few minutes of discussion, she offers up a leather patching kit that was still hidden in an interior pocket of the jerkin. It includes two long, steel needles. The needles are passed to Mornanne, who declares immediately she can open these locks quite easily now. Although the outer door is surely barred?
Vivaine is a NG Half-Elven Fighter/Druid, Level 1/1. Short Bow and Scimitar Specialist.
15 – 18 – 16 – 12 – 16 – 15
Much later that night, Gabby and the crew are trying to stay awake waiting for some sign its time to go. Lacey was getting Minuette worried if anyone was actually outside to help them. There comes a loud uproar, a dog fight? The sound of angry barking, growling, yapping from outside. Gabby says “Mornanne, get us out!” This was quickly accomplished. Gabby asks Lacey to help with a bench they can use as a battering ram on the outer door. But Mornanne is standing there and snickers, “the door opens in”. Not even locked. But there is a bar about 4’ up. “I guess this was a government operation!”
They head into a short hall with a couple doors, and can hear fighting just outside. “Lacey and Vivaine, make sure those guard posts near the door are clear. Open the door if you hear a yell for me!”
“Mornanne, Minuette help me find a store room.” First door on the left is a large closet, they find fur cloaks, boots, some padded clubs and an old crossbow with no bolts. “Everyone get bundled up, I need to get my husband.”
Gabby hears a large crash against the outer door as she approaches. She opens up and Bull is standing there about to hurl an unconscious (or dead) guard against the door again. After an enthusiastic reunion Gabby explains she has a crew ready to go. Bull offers that the immediate vicinity is now clear, but the guards live in a barracks less than two miles down the road through the woods and they all need to get moving. They’ve likely been heard. He has a path through the woods, almost three miles until they have to cross a road. Its probably the most low profile way to get some distance.
“How did you get those dogs to bark on command?” “Wolves. I picked a fight with a pack and threw the alpha against the blockhouse wall. Then grabbed a smaller one and threw it at the Alpha. None of them liked that much.” “Is that why it looks like you’ve been bit about six times?” “Yeah, it stings. But it made a heck of a racket and drew all the guards outside!”
They travel the rest of the night and all the next day. Working their way north through the woods. When they finally set camp everyone is exhausted. Gabby and Vivaine have completely healed Bull of his injuries from the escape. They make a small fire, much needed for some warmth. And Minuette starts to sing, a beautiful but sad lament. A familiar story of loss, danger and uncertainty. She’s crying again by the time she finishes and everyone feels deeply moved. “I uh, composed that while we were walking.”
Gabby is the first to find her voice, “thank you Minuette, I think you’ll help us all stay sane.”
During their trek Gabby decides Vivaine is trustworthy, and a solid asset for the group. Mornanne is not overtly friendly, but competent and cooperative. Minuette seems to have rallied since that night singing at the fire, she’s pleasant and good company. Lacey is strong and hearty, but inexperienced and unlikable (busty and lusty seems like a good description!).
Three weeks later they make their way into Easthaven, one of the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale. And the real story begins…
When gaming meets fan fiction! That got a little involved, much more than my previous write ups. It was a bit of a challenge to introduce the characters AND introduce them to each other. And then come up with a reason for a ragtag crew to be fleeing north into Icewind Dale. And the whole escape from slavers part seemed a little black boxy for a while, so I knew I needed to tell that story. There’s some inconsistency on narrative voice, it starts in third person then shifts to Gabby’s perspective. In my mind, Gabby is the main character in spite of Bull’s story leading things off.
I did spend a fair amount of time with a map of the Forgotten Realms and reading information at the Forgotten Realms Wiki. But even so, I don’t really know a lot about the politics, history and culture. I just made up a lot of it. But Luskan seems to be a pretty unsavory place, Mirabar is better but apparently there often is tension with Luskan. So I made up a war to make that way hazardous.
I’m sure many here have heard of players doing a “poverty run”? That’s not what I’m doing, but this will be sort of a poverty start. I figure Bull had scrounged up a couple hundred gold from the soldiers he destroyed. But first thing they’ll need to do at Pomab’s shop is buy a couple of traveling spell books. All the IE games abstract this thing to an interface tab, but it is mentioned in 2E rules. It’s a moderately expensive thing every Mage needs for recording their spells, so they can relearn them each day. And although the party mage is starting at 4th level, she’ll only have the two spells she’d been able to remember to put in her new, blank spell book. Functionally she won’t be much better off than a 1st level mage. At first.
But I’m thinking this means the party will have 20 gold total, available at the start. Bull has scavenged a suit of leather armor, a medium shield and a battle axe. Lacey took two long swords off of dead guards. And they liberated a half dozen quarter staves and a light crossbow (without bolts) on their way out. That will leave the party with very little money when they get into Easthaven. There is treasure to be had in town, so I figure they’ll at least have weapons for everyone before they head off to the Orc caves. And maybe some armor for all the warriors before they head to Kuldahar. After that, things should rapidly get more normal.
I’ll also mention this doesn’t look like a very strong party to me. Well, except for Bull. He may dominate for a while. But we’ll see. I will post some updates with how they’re doing as I go. And I expect I’ll have an epilogue when the time comes.
Gabby and Lacey (and Vivaine) had a nice bonding moment of sorts when Lacey needed some teaching on how to put on armor, and how to move around in the stuff. Its safe to say, Gabby and Lacey will never be best friends. They are just too completely different. But for now they're tolerating each other pretty well.
The team survived the avalanche in Kuldahar Pass when Vivaine suggested an immediate course of action at odds with orders Hrothgar was bellowing out. Gabby made a snap decision to trust Vivaine and the team became the sole survivors.
They have all left 1st Level behind...
So on try two; we entered with Minuette singing, Mornanne threw a Fireball and Gabby used Holy Smiting. So no enemy spell casting on round one. This also killed one of the Talonites. On round two, the front rankers (including Gabby) are now engaged with the trolls. So Mornanne targeted one of the clerics with Magic Missile and Vivaine hit another with arrows. Big change was, Minuette stopped singing for a moment to put Magic Missiles into the remaining cleric. So no incoming spells, and only one cleric still alive for Round 3. At that point, Minuette went back to singing, Mornanne fired Magic Missiles to kill the final cleric and Vivaine started firing acid arrows at the trolls that were down.
My immediately previous playthrough (with the Illegals) had been such an easy run with a powerful party I guess some of my tactics had gotten sloppy. This battle went easy enough, when I played smarter. To me, that’s the most fun part of this game. Good tactics make a big difference.
I am using Minuette almost entirely as a singer still. Other tactics and buffs are pretty standard for a IWD run for me. Yet in spite of what I said in the first post, this seems to be a VERY effective party. Does a singing Skald make that big of a difference? It would seem so.
Role playing wise, I’m thinking Minuette recently admitted to Gabriella that she figured out who she was back during their escape from the avalanche. She had thought Gabby looked familiar but couldn’t place her. But when Vivaine gave her warning, Gabby seamlessly took command of your little band and Bull seemed to intuitively follow her lead to make things happen. And Minuette remembered watching the Count’s army pass through town a couple years ago on a bandit hunt or something. But Minuette most remembers seeing the commander of the force was a young woman not much older than herself. It was exciting and inspiring to see “Lady Gabriella” in command. Gabby says she thinks her dad was wrong to give her so much responsibility at such a young age. She lacked perspective and experience, and struggled to get any respect from the soldiers. If it weren’t for Bull and his very practical wisdom on how things worked in an army as a whole, she would have been a disaster.
This team keeps getting better and stronger. You know Lacey is frustrated because she's always looking for young men and the places you've been seem to be lacking anyone to her taste! But the rest of the team has bonded nicely and you think you're up to all three pending challenges!
Hopefully in the near future you'll start wrapping some of these things up!
You and Bull decided to stay in Easthaven to help the town rebuild. You established a Temple of Lathander in town too, and Bull took Hrothgar's role as the local protector and keeper of the peace. It became a good home for raising your family. Vivaine stayed nearby, she settled into Kuldahar and took Arundel's place. Surprisingly, Mornanne also stayed put. She started a small mage school right near you in Easthaven. You joked you were all still big city folks, obviously choosing the largest of the Ten Towns to settle in to.
You felt Minuette had become the closest of your new friends. Brilliant, funny and gentle. A good sort, but she felt the need to travel. To explore and share her big new story! She visited, often really. Once a year or so and she'd stay for a month or more every time. But she was always missed when traveling.
Lacey just disappeared. You weren't surprised. For two months you'd heard her complaining about no men to play with. That seemed to be the entirety of her needs. She had become a truly mighty warrior, but significantly she seemed to grow the least of any of you. You never saw her again.
That seemed to go fast, less than two weeks for me! This became a very powerful party. As I first thought, their hitting power was a little light in the first few chapters. But they really took off. In the end, Gabrella led the way for pure carnage with over 30% of party experience in the last chapter. Bull and Lacey had equal shares of the next 50%. This is the first time I had all three front rankers with Grand Mastery by the end, it really made for some heavy hitting. And of course Gabby with Gauntlets of Ogre Power, casting Draw Upon Holy Might on herself... it always make me laugh to have the smallest person doing the heaviest hitting.
Minuette mostly sang. On occasion (like that weird showdown with Pomab) she would use her crossbow. But mostly she sang. By the finale acts of the game she was giving everyone else a +4 to hit and damage with that. She may have been "Most Valuable Player" in spite of a mighty 0% of party experience. Skald is awesome for the team, but I don't think I want to play one as the main character in BG!
Mornanne had a few big moments with Fireballs and Horrid Wilting and others. But it is hard keeping a mage alive in those last couple fights, both "Crystal Sentries" and Iron Golems target right in on the mage. Much running is involved.
Vivaine played a bigger part in the story of the adventure than she seemed to in the actual game. Mostly an archer (small "a" archer!), she was of course handy to have. But archers don't dominate like they can in BG. Being specialized in Scimitar too she made an excellent rear guard. But finished with only 12% of party kills.
This post is now up at DavesGaming.bolg, with portraits!
By the way, virtual fist bump to everyone who figures out why Lacey had that name!